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Full Version: Mission Art is nice!
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There's a ton of cool art in the missions, some are very entertaining scene setters or portraits.

There's the fun one in A Very Bad Day
[ Spoiler ]

In Happenstance there's the wonderful scene at the Happenstance, it shows the player exactly what's happening, no questions after that one is displayed.

Now the difficulty is that when I show it to the players there's half a page of Missions text I have to either hide or if nothing else I might need to read it so I can't just hand it over easily.

If I have time I can print the images from the pdf separately but we already have a handout pdf, can the inline art be added to that pdf so that I can simply handover the really nice art work as the scene comes up during the mission?
Yep. I've been adding more art and props to the missions. I had a large envelope for the players to hold on for the first mission. A feather wrapped in leather for the second one and I created a Denver newspaper entry for their shooting of the Lone Star officer "Officer William Wootan critically injured and in intensive care while the shooters are being hunted". Nothing like laying low for 6 weeks. For the current run I snagged a class picture of my daughter and colored in the protective covers over her eyes.

The player handouts are a big help, although they're twigging on the maps "hey, there's a star over there; that's where we need to go" smile.gif

QUOTE (bofh)
The player handouts are a big help, although they're twigging on the maps "hey, there's a star over there; that's where we need to go" smile.gif


But that's where we want them to go!

It's when they go out of their way to avoid those spots that I have to work really hard. Of course I can move the scene to wherever they end up going anyway. smile.gif
I've been really impressed with the art in SR Missions. From contacts to the cover to handouts to inside mod stuff, it is all great.

As one of the artists for missions, I hope its okay to say the feedback is appreciated!
Caine Hazen
How did I miss this before?

I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback as well, means a lot to know people like the work we put into it.
I like the idea of the handouts a lot, but I've not yet handed any of them out. IMO there's information on the handouts that the players shouldn't have, or don't know at the time the handout is appropriate.

The stars on the maps are a big one. I wish there were two copies of the maps, one for the GM, and one for the players. Or just the one for the players w/out the stars.

Also, why do the players need to know the stats and skills of the contacts? That seems like something only the GM should know. So I end up re-writing the contacts handouts without the stats or skills.

I definitely appreciate the handouts, but it'd be nice if the player handouts didn't have GM information on them.
Kyoto Kid
..Yeah I have to agree Squinky's art on Missions is excellent. Some of it, along with other SR related art, is also viewable on his DeviantArt gallery. Check It out.
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