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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Wounded Ronin

In the above game you build burgers. Maybe I just have an oral fixation but I find it lots of fun.
Oh... I thought you were talking about this burger game when I saw the title... frown.gif
Wounded Ronin
Oh... I thought you were talking about this burger game when I saw the title... frown.gif

Burgertime is a classic but in this case that's not what I was referring to.
With the ability to earn over $10,000 on a single value meal, I must say that McDeath's products are seriously overpriced.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
With the ability to earn over $10,000 on a single value meal, I must say that McDeath's products are seriously overpriced.

I dunno, just claim that it's part of a dystopian future where only the wealthy may afford burgers and the rest must eat soy patties or krillburgers.
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