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Full Version: Email to not working
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I log in to unsubscribe from some forum topics I'm getting spammed by (now that I'm no longer intrested). I see the Controls have been broken for a while, but before I found that out-- I emailed It got bounced back as undeliverable.

I don't understand how you could lose an email account?

QUOTE (SaintHax)
I don't understand how you could lose an email account?

In some relationships, the magic just dies after a while.
Try dumpshockforums at

I confess I am having some trouble unsubscribing as well.
Heh. Are you getting subscribed to random topics, too? Because that's a problem that cropped up for me just this week -- and with the control panel still not working, I can't even do anything about it.

Thank god this didn't happen when Frank's Matrix thread was still hot. wink.gif
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