I got The Witcher couple of days ago. It's really good, It's an RPG, based on a fantasy noel by some Polish dude. It's much darker and adult-oriented than your typical D&D stuff. You have to make decisions that sometimes seem pretty innocent, but end up having huge consequences later on. You find yourself having to make many decisions that are gey - nothing is as simple as black and white. Plus, it has porn in it. Seriously. You get to bang tons of chicks, and when you do you get this little erotica picture card of your conquest. It's awesome. The story is gritty-realism like us shadowrunners like it, with street-level action.

The combay system had some innovations - you need to time your mouse-clicks in order to successfully pull of combo-attacks as opposed to Diablo-style click-click-click-click. The leveling system is alright, and you can gather components from killed stuff as well as plants to make potions.

The biggest downside is that there are huge loading times. Like, you are exploring the city, you go into a house - long load time to load the house, and then really really long load time to reload the city when you leave. It's sort of at a point where I try to avoid going into houses unless I need to.

All in all, very recommendable. Not cheesy story, interesting characters, good gameplay.