Dec 28 2007, 02:16 PM - FilesThis is the character creator I have been working on for the last couple years. Has been updated with Augmentation, and Street Magic.
This does require the use of macros to run, since Excel by itself couldn't do everything I wanted it to without them. My GM and fellow players in my group use it frequently and I've tried to get all of their input on things to add to it. So now I open it up to Dumpshock, to get more input.
Jan 9 2008, 03:20 PM
Currently adding:
- Complex Forms Listing
- Spells Listing
- Description will be of format: "Type: [P/M] Rng: [Touch/LOS/LOS(A)] Dur: [I/P/S] Drain: F/2+# Pg: [BBB/SM] ###"
- Adept Powers Listing
- Initiate / Submersion Section
- Initiate / Submersion Listing
- Equipment Modification
- Set up in a a+b*c format for Price, and Essence
- Current set up is a*b and only for Price
- Goal is less excel savvy required for this stuff.
- Pondering adding a a*b to Commlink list as well
My current work can be followed here:
Feb 1 2008, 09:11 PM
This is a nice spreadsheet... wish it could incorporate drop down equipment lists...
And a seperate section for Cyber/Bioware... I'd like to be able to quick create a character without having to look everything up in the books while doing it.
The Matrix page is even more awesome... Me and a guy were about to do that for our home game because of how hard it is to make sure we're using the right tests... and you did it already! Kudos to you!
Feb 5 2008, 04:38 PM
I've been trying to come up with a way to get a cyberware page worked in. Cyberware is pretty much "by-the-book", its just getting capacities and essense loss and everything to all work together. Right now the character sheet expects everyone to keep track of capacities on their own. Essense / Price is mainly what the equipment sheets keep track of. That and there is just a ton of cyberware. The other equipment will stay as a fill in the blank though to allow the non-standard items.
I need to get my hands on Arsenal so that I can possibly work on a modified vehicle sheet as well.
Feb 7 2008, 10:53 PM
Actually I think it would be great if you worked with the folks doing this one actual character sheets are much better when printed, their character maker has more stuff in it... if you could work with them to make nice printable character sheets to work with their character generator sheets, that would be ideal (and would make a Hero Forge like character generator for SR which would rock!).
Feb 11 2008, 09:14 PM
I'm going to start working on a one page write up for cyber body, and a 1 page version for a vehicle as well.
The character sheet as it is is getting rather complex, and integrating in cyber body would take alot of modifying. And with arsenal a vehicle needs a page of its own almost now.
I'll post again when I get the first of these available (probably the vehicle, because it gives me a chance to read more of arsenal). For now I have added a cheat sheet of ranged combat modifiers to the webpage. This compiles both arsenal and standard, and tells everything that is modified (Atk, dodge, DV, AP, etc..)