I've written a small program for calculating target numbers for ranged combat. The first test version (0.6) is now available for trial.
You can download it from http://ourteam.home.comcast.net/programs/CombatMod.zip.
Expected usage:
Run the program and have it in front of you all the time you are GMing.
Set up Shooters #1-9 with Player Characters
Set up Shooters #10-18 with NPCs for each scene
The various settings for Recoil Comp, etc. are remembered for each shooter.
Visibility Settings are the same for all shooters.
For target mods the program doesn't handle (spirit conceal, spirit confusion, and many more) just enter a positive (penalty) or negative (bonus) number in the "Other Penalty" box.
I'm planning to make the next version let you save information about shooters/guns to disk between gaming sessions, and then to let it roll Initiative for the NPCs and track the initiative passes for you.
Let me know what you think. Either here or through a Personal Message.
ourteam at comcast dot net