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Happy new year 2008!

Lots of luck and success to all of you!

The Awakening is one year closer...

Greetings from Germany!
(Jan 1st, 1.23am local time)
Happy '08.

I was going to do this almost 12 hours ago, but then I got distracted by other things. biggrin.gif
Here's hoping the next one will be better than this one was.

Cheers, folks.
Kyoto Kid
Happy New Year

…from myself and all the kids…(heck with the numbers, it’s New Years)


From Zagreb..

...i Sretna Nova Godina to svi!
--Leela G-G

From somewhere on the Matrix…

… A Gut Nay Yor! Le'chayim!! (oy, and you take care good of yourself now and try not to be a schlimazel.)

From down on the bayou…

…Bon Lanné et Bon Temps!

From high Earth orbit…

С Ð?овым Годом
--Col Kat Markova

From the Net 47 Studios, London…

Have yourself a Jolly Good New Year.
--Lana Lane

Form a Safehouse in an undisclosed location via CIA CommSat…

…What’s that, oh, it’s New Years?. Well Bonne Année. (and Lucien, you’re still dead and I’m not.).
--Night Angel

From a Met2000 base in the AEG…

Ein gutes neues Jahr alle! Prost Neujahr.

From a Sanatorium in the UK…

…I’ll get you yet my little Leela, just wait…oh dear, Happy New Year All…
--Madam Margo Grande…no, no, no, its, Lady Sterling Steele…no wait…
<transmission terminated>

And finally, from the set of Two Badass Babes…

Y’all have yourself a rootin’ tootn’ New Year! Yee Haaaah!

[00:00 PST]
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