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Zhan Shi
Dark Sun and Ravenloft. Bleh! Being a long time AD&D/Forgotten Realms fan, I was very dissapointed in both of those.

To be fair, I never actually played this one. But could an rpg based on such a terrible movie be good? "Ghost Dog: The Way of the Sanurai".
Zhan Shi
Forgot about these two. Changeling: The Dreaming. Ugh. Also, Exalted. But to be fair, I think I may have let my hatred of anime biase me against that game.
QUOTE (Zhan Shi)
Forgot about these two. Changeling: The Dreaming. Ugh. Also, Exalted. But to be fair, I think I may have let my hatred of anime biase me against that game.

I think you may be right. I've heard alot of good things about exaulted.

GURPS was good, but had an awfully steep learning curve, and was basicly unplayable with just the basic book. But if you had some extra books and a group of people willing to sit down and learn it, it was really sweet because you could play -any- setting you wanted.
Wounded Ronin
I've always wanted to play GURPS but never had the chance. I had bought some of the old GURPS solo adventures and thought the system was pretty cool. I like simulationism.
Anything with a d20 logo on it. I really don't like the system, and the glut of absolute crap that was published for it didn't help matters.
QUOTE (Zhan Shi)
Forgot about these two. Changeling: The Dreaming. Ugh.

I've head some rants about this. From what I understand, they forgot to relate usefulness to the cost of powers? I remember an example showing that it cost the same (over time) to build a combat god as it did to build someone who was a really awesome sailor/fisherman, and that your choices early on might lock you into the latter, but I've never actually read the rules myself.
Also, Exalted.  But to be fair, I think I may have let my hatred of anime biase me against that game.

It's a good thing you don't have a hatred of silent film, or novellae!

I have to agree with Changeling, but Exalted went over wonderfully in my group (who were not even traditionally anime fans). We all loved the great variety in the many many different character choices. A solar exalted game was a much different experience than a lunar exalted game versus a dragon-blooded game, sidereal, abyssal exalted, etc.

In fact, I think after this current Shadowrun campaign, that's where we'll be headed back to.
Heh, Changeling was pretty bad. I liked Dark Sun. The only problem was it only had the right "feel" for the first few levels, then the whole environmental survival thing was so easily overcome with magic that it killed the feel of the setting.
I like d20 only insofar as I've had fun playing D&D, when I'm in the right mood for it, but I hate the way it gets applied to every setting regardless of how poorly it fits with the supposed feel of the game. Blech.

Um, I played the StarCraft RPG, based on the Alternity rules. That was pretty freakin' bad.
Kyoto Kid
...ran Space Opera as GM for two and a half years. This was a game you really needed a computer for, but came out in the days before personal computers were affordable. Thank heaven's I still knew my trig, calculus and how to use a slide rule (I kid you not). And you think that Shadowrun 3 had complex modifiers for combat, vehicle pursuit, and matrix ops? Those don't hold an fusion candle to Space Opera's, convoluted tables, particularly where ship to ship combat is concerned (I believe there were something like three to four different tests you needed to make to see if you even managed to scratch the hull of another starship with your Nova Guns).

The other game by this company (FGU) was Chivalry & Sorcery which, as I have mentioned before, had what amounted to quadratic and linear equations for figuring out certain statistics. C&S was pretty much deemed unplayable by my first college gaming group & we only used it for some of the fluff like social rank and character background.

"Simulated Realism" can go just a little too far sometimes.
Hmmm, strange. My experience of Changeling was very good. Could be the GM made it so. I suspect she could have made any system work, though.

I too had trouble with Ravenloft. I never really was able to suspend disbelief enough.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid)
...ran Space Opera as GM for two and a half years. This was a game you really needed a computer for, but came out in the days before personal computers were affordable. Thank heaven's I still knew my trig, calculus and how to use a slide rule (I kid you not). And you think that Shadowrun 3 had complex modifiers for combat, vehicle pursuit, and matrix ops? Those don't hold an fusion candle to Space Opera's, convoluted tables, particularly where ship to ship combat is concerned (I believe there were something like three to four different tests you needed to make to see if you even managed to scratch the hull of another starship with your Nova Guns).

The other game by this company (FGU) was Chivalry & Sorcery which, as I have mentioned before, had what amounted to quadratic and linear equations for figuring out certain statistics. C&S was pretty much deemed unplayable by my first college gaming group & we only used it for some of the fluff like social rank and character background.

"Simulated Realism" can go just a little too far sometimes.

Wow, that's like the un-3rd-ed-D&D. The exact opposite of the accesibility/dumbing down paradigm.
Mr. Man
QUOTE (Zhan Shi)
Dark Sun and Ravenloft.

Some of my most cherished RPG memories are from games that took place in those settings (more from Ravenloft than Dark Sun). Al'Quadim was also a great setting we played a lot of around that time.

Wraith (1st edition) is the worst RPG I have played. My whole group had a hard time getting our heads around the various planes of reality and how/why they interacted (or didn't).

There are lots of worse RPGs, but I haven't played them. Infamous titles include:

Spawn of Fashan

You can find amusing reviews of these on
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