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Full Version: Looking for a group in the Boston area
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Any SR players/GM's in the Boston, MA metro area? I haven't played since 1st edition, but recently picked up the 4th edition BBB, and I'm looking to get back into the game.
Surely there must at least a *few* SR players in this area? Just so I'm clear, while I recently picked up the 4th edition rules, I'd be perfectly happy to play using another c'mon, chummers, where are you?

Well, we are a little more than an hour north in Rochester, NH.
Well, I was formerly in the area trying to get groups together, but I'm at university again now. I'd put you in touch with my old group, but, well, they're pretty much all gone (two to southern California, one to university elsewhere).

Depending on where I end up for grad school I might be up for getting a group together if you're looking for a game of SR3 in 2010 wink.gif

(Seriously, good luck with the searching)

Jame J
I am here, equipped with SR4 and several characters. If you want to, drop me a line and we can see about setting up a meeting.
Jame J
Guess not then.
I'd be interested as well if this is still an open invite. Haven't played since 2nd edition, but I've been playing RPG's too long not to be able to pick up the new rule changes.
looking to start a SR4 game in Portsmouth, NH if anyone is interested.
Jame J
I would love to ... but I have no car and cannot go to NH!
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