Eyeless Blond
Jan 21 2008, 06:32 AM
I'm in the market for places to get the SR PDFs. I've used Battlecorps in the past, and they were pretty good, but last time I checked they only let you download the ebook for a limited time, and then you can't get it again if, say, something wiped your HD during a move. My biggest concerns are:
-NO DRM! I've had a few bad experiences with legit DRM-ed software screwing up my computer a few years back, and I'm determined to never hassle with it again, no matter how "transparent" or "forgiving" it claims to be. I like how my copy of the SR4 main book and Street Magic don't have any silly tricks in them; I won't put up with anything less from my other books.
-Customer service. Is there any store out there that lets you re-download any ebook you've purchased, no matter how long it's been since you bought it? That would be really cool, given my rather slapdash backup system.
-Price is obviously always a consideration, but the first two are far more important.
Anyone have some good recommendations?
Jan 21 2008, 09:28 AM
Drivethru has a mixed system; their SR PDFs are just watermarked, but some of their lineup is DRMed (I don't know what or how much, I've never wanted anything they carry that has had it). They offer, as far as I know, a guaranteed five downloads plus a "best-effort" replacement past that (they've got a FAQ item that says they'll generally try to offer replacements, but reserve the right not to).
Eyeless Blond
Jan 26 2008, 10:48 AM
Hm, so Battlecorps still the best for no DRM then? I know I'm likely being paranoid about the whole thing, but well, as long as I *can* be paranoid about it, why not?
Jan 27 2008, 05:10 PM
Well, like I said, DriveThru's SR catalogue is non-DRMed (but watermarked), so it's pretty much comparable to Battlecorps. You do lose the ability to pick something at random out of their entire catalogue (all systems, all publishers) and be sure that it is DRM-free, but I still go to them for my SR fix.
Well, where "still" means "did last time a SR (non-SR4) PDF was made available".
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