Jan 29 2008, 07:50 PM
Yikes. From sitting at a desk sewing shoes to sitting at a computer farming gold.
Wage Slaves
Jan 29 2008, 10:19 PM
Wow. Amazing. Just... amazing on so many levels. I don't know whether to admire the ingenuity, pity the workers, or shake my head in dismay at the people whose money keeps this business going.
Jan 29 2008, 11:30 PM
I'm amazed you just found that article after two and a half years.
But it's all really just a
big miscommunication
Jan 30 2008, 02:05 AM
heh, yeah, and this is in an era where online economies are shaky and prone to massive shifts. imagine goldfarming in 2070, when WoW is over a century old. WoW gold will be more stable than the dollar.
Jan 30 2008, 07:26 AM
QUOTE (martindv) |
I'm amazed you just found that article after two and a half years.
But it's all really just a big miscommunication |
Heh. Unforunately, i don't speak Cantonese, just Mandarin.
I like to think this is step one towards Dr. Halberstam's Children.
A world where online goods and money can be worth more than real world goods and money; you can go to real jail for stealing online objects; you can be married online and never have to see what a fat slob your spouse actually is; people could be legal citizens of supranational entities that exist solely online.
I got it from
Cracked: 10 Ways Online Gaming Will Change The WorldUnforunately, I didn't see that it was almost 3 years old (I really should be more astute) but I thought DSers would find it of interest.
Jan 30 2008, 06:06 PM
QUOTE (Asheron @ Jan 30 2008, 02:26 AM) |
Heh. Unforunately, i don't speak Cantonese, just Mandarin. |
Fortunately, I speak Cantonese, just not that much Mandarin.
The articles were interesting, I remember reading some other articles of a similar note a while back. Sheeesh... so anyone interested in starting a farm in China?
Jan 30 2008, 08:14 PM
QUOTE (PBTHHHHT @ Jan 30 2008, 12:06 PM) |
Sheeesh... so anyone interested in starting a farm in China? |
Why go that far? Think smaller time and still make it good enough.
The one kid makes them $60k a month.
With 12 hour work days that works out to $166.66 an hour.
Just bust ass once a week playing for 12 (or more hours) and you never need to work a real job again.
This also cuts out the middle man.
Adjust the time you play to the wage you want and you are good to go.
Work on mondays, have fun the rest of the week. Or get a day job or whatever.
No moral dilemma and all money for yourself... count me in.
Jan 30 2008, 09:13 PM
Nah, in going with the subject of the thread, you want to be the proud owners of a sweatshop. Then you could crack a whip at the underproducing members of the place and pay pennies for all their hard work. Wheee!
Kyoto Kid
Jan 30 2008, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (mfb @ Jan 29 2008, 06:05 PM) |
heh, yeah, and this is in an era where online economies are shaky and prone to massive shifts. imagine goldfarming in 2070, when WoW is over a century old. WoW gold will be more stable than the dollar. |
...shhh, don't give Violet any ideas...
She's already addicted to Miracle Shooter
Jan 30 2008, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (lunchbox311) |
Just bust ass once a week playing for 12 (or more hours) and you never need to work a real job again. |
as a member of a fairly successful cartel of characters in WoW (we do it for the sake of having phat sacks of gold in-game, rather than selling it for real money), i can tell you that it doesn't really work that way. farming is less than half of the process; the bulk of the work involves managing your server's market prices so that you catch the really great deals. it's all about acquiring expensive items as cheaply as possible and then selling them for as much as possible. if that kid spends 12 hour days playing, he spends 11 of them in the auction house or trade channel, just watching and waiting.
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