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Full Version: Northern Alabama/southern Tn
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
My group is very sparse and spread out over 2 cities so we often have trouble getting everyone together for a game as well as finding welling GMs- that duty usually falls to me, but I would like to play sometimes- and I was just wondering if there was anyone on DS from the Florence area(NW corner) of Alabama, or from Huntsville- one player commutes from there. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else in this general area was having the same sparseness problem or might be interested in a game.

well they aren't there yet but some friends from my gaming group will be moving to Huntsville probably within the next month or so. It's a married couple. I have played with them for about 3 years now. I will make sure to tell them about the forums here and maybe they can join your group.
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