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Full Version: The Grab & Lady Jade's Charisma
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
In the mission 'The Grab' the NPC Lady Jade has a 5 ( 8 ) charisma. I was wondering how this is obtained?

Edit: Had a happyface instead of the ( 8 ) this has been fixed.
Rating 3 Tailored Pheromones. smile.gif
QUOTE (Fortune @ Feb 5 2008, 11:13 AM) *
Rating 3 Tailored Pheromones. :)

So does this mean in tailored pheremones when it calls it a die pool modifier, it's really an attribute modifier? Originally when I read tailored pheremones I thought this might be the case, but it seems based on that you would get a +3 to CHA and a +3 to social tests which didn't seem right. Since all social tests are charisma based the wording of the tailored pheremones entry seems very confusing.
QUOTE (esmdev @ Feb 6 2008, 02:44 AM) *
So does this mean in tailored pheremones when it calls it a die pool modifier, it's really an attribute modifier? Originally when I read tailored pheremones I thought this might be the case, but it seems based on that you would get a +3 to CHA and a +3 to social tests which didn't seem right. Since all social tests are charisma based the wording of the tailored pheremones entry seems very confusing.

No. It is a Dice Pool modifier, not an Attribute modifier (and hence does not fall under any Caps), even though the Missions scenario lists it that way. You only get the +3 from Tailored Pheromones once.
The 5 ( 8 ) IIRC, was laid out that way to make it easier for GMs to eyeball DPs by just adding Skill + Attribute. In the case of Tailored Pheromones it would be Cha + Skill + rating, which we transitioned to (Cha + Rating) + Skill. Same number of dice, different order of operations.
Thanks for the info. The GM (new to Shadowrun) was confused by that and it caused some questions, glad to have an answer. smile.gif
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