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I have tried uploading multiple avatar pictures in both .jpg and .png format, all of which have been smaller than 150x150 and significantly smaller than 100k, and they won't display! What am I doing wrong?

I did a search for 'avatar' to see if this had been addressed already, and all I got was a bunch of threads where people swore that avatars would never be activated on dumpshock rotfl.gif
Kyoto Kid
...apparently it sounds as if you are attempting to upload your own personal ones. Currently DS is not set up for importing of custom deisgned Avatars.

There is a farily extensive gallery of Shadowrun based Avatars accessable from your "My Controls" page. Check the options Panel to the left and you will see the link titled "Edit Avatar Settings".
Where exactly did you try to *upload* an avatar? There isn't even a field to enter the address or anything. question.gif wink.gif

Why is everyone acting like I'm nuts? When I go to my profile, there's a "browse" button which actually lets me select pictures from on my computer. Can you blame me for thinking it's supposed to work? sleepy.gif

Thanks for explaining it though! I can't be the only one who got confused... can I? >.>
Good catch ixombie. I didn't even notice that the browse controls didn't disappear when we disabled the uploading of avatars. We'll see what we can do.
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