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Full Version: A devout Christian defends rpgs
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Zhan Shi
Usually, we only hear condemnation. I came across this whilst searching for elven Cavalier level limits. It's an interesting perspective from an avid Christian who is also an avid gamer. Read it here.
On the one hand, it's good to see. On the other, it's deeply sad that we feel the need to give praise to someone capable of differentiating fantasy and reality.

It also goes to show that people can (and do) use the same basic religious texts or doctrines to come to just about any conclusion they want (though to be fair, the same could be said of many other things - such as the US Constitution.)
The whole debate is really sort of silly. I mean, the fact that I play a guy who calls upon arcane powers to achieve feats of the magical during the night as he commits acts of violence and criminal mischief for money, and who has a side hobby of chopping up poor people so he can sell their organs to ghouls really has no bearing on my day-to-day mind... Hey Blue, you don't seem to be looking so good. I got a friend at the local hospital. We go way back, I can get you a free visit... You interested?
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