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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Seeing as the Missions are now set in Denver. (and I have never run a campaign in Denver) I expect to see alot of information regarding common border crossings.

I have yet to find that much really.

In the Missions pre-text there is a section called "Crossing Borders" and largely it really is simple. Yeah It says that already, but wow... it is really simple.

On the standard failed test it is a 300 nuyen.gif bribe going up to 500 nuyen.gif as written, even for forbidden items. Now I know again this is simple, but with a Coyote (Parlament of Thieves contacts) charging 250 nuyen.gif ,who would even attempt a border crossing without one? A totally legit runner, oxymoron that is, or a runner that has no restricted or forbidden gear? or one that is that good at social interaction.

I suppose I am asking with the samples as written, what is the downside of coyotes?

IIRC the old Denver set had some of this information, but it is one of the few SR items I do not own. (Yeah I have most everything save for SR 1 BBB and a few other SR 1 items.)

Is there another 'current' resource that really really goes into depth about all the issues with Border crossings? From Illegal cyberware to coyotes to all the non coyote illegal crossings and so on. (I'm thinking of something like Corporate Download security section for Borders.


ps: yes I have run border crossing in and out of Seattle for the better part of 15 years, but it was so uncommon that it was easy to handle in those situations... its the common daily multiple time crossing that have me in a lurch.
The reason we use the simplified mechanic is precisely because they're so common. If you're running 6 or 7 border crossings in a game session, it just gets way too repetitive if you go into a ton of detail on it each time.

The downside of coyotes is that they're A) not always available and B) an added expense. It's also why we recommend decent fake SINs wink.gif
The missions are designed to be run in 3.5 hours. They almost all require at least one and usually more border crossings just to get to the meet! Then the PCs go do legwork, which may require more border crossings. With a typical Mission involving 2 to 5 border crossings, I certainly hope I only need one played out scene to bring the concept of border crossing into the players mind, and the rest can be done with a simple mechanic. Otherwise the entire run might be the challenges of crossing borders. Granted, some games that turns out to be necessary to fill in the time slot, but usually not.
The simple mechanic is fine, particularly for cons and time limited game.

However, it would be nice to have a full write-up on the intricacies, if even just for my own edification.

An example, back to Corporate Download, probably one of the least actually used books in my SR library however I have it for referance. *NOT* that I would or have ever used the RAW in that book. Unless of course I just didn't want the runners to do anything in a secure area.

Point being, I can design my runs with that book in mind and make a convincing security system and still be playable. My players are all professionals of some type or other with families and they *like* to have things make sense. Instead of just glossing through something.
Getting my old account back up. (thats me above / Claude)
Mr. Unpronounceable
It's pretty much a non-issue until you get past a table rating of 2. Even the, scratch that...gun-rhinocerous troll in the missions I've run could simply buy the required test off with a PAC slung over his shoulder (slight exaggeration.)

It does weed out the "my character doesn't NEED any social skills" types.
QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable @ Feb 8 2008, 04:51 PM) *
It does weed out the "my character doesn't NEED any social skills" types.

Hey now. not all runners are smily types...what about us techies? huh? bah this is way drones are so much better then people...less high and mighty ya got to be likable stuffs...well...I did prgram that grenade to be like that...but thats beside the point smile.gif *pays his nuyen.gif 500 and moves on* *waves at the guard* This is not the rigger you are looking for...ignore the bulldog step van..LOOK A TROLL! clearly he is up to no let me move this large vehicle out of your way so you can do your jobs...yup no reason to look in the back grinbig.gif

I assume the lack of comment means there is no Border Crossing resource?
I dont recall if the Denver Boxed Set had anything.

Speaking of Denver, say the group has ancess to a small chopper or such. I assume a few things:
1. They get a request for credentials as they get close.
2. They get verbally warned as the get closer.
3. Drones and or Anti Aircraft weapons get deployed or just fire away (depending on the GM and circumstance)

So! the other side:

There you are a Wageslave or small business owner or something similiar. Ya know... you have rights.
And this flaming hunk of crap smacks right down in your house, business, car or kills your wife, kid or brother.

The City just pays it out? or says "Oops, maybe you shouldn't have been there."

The layout of the Denver means there is practically no Danger Will Robinson Free Falling Crap of Doom zone. (except for the 50m wide area between borders.)

well its the middle of a city, its would be easyer and cheaper to send up local law enforcment in heavly armed aircraft to force you to land and follow you then to shoot you down.


Yeah, well then. thanks wink.gif
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