I have yet to find that much really.
In the Missions pre-text there is a section called "Crossing Borders" and largely it really is simple. Yeah It says that already, but wow... it is really simple.
On the standard failed test it is a 300

I suppose I am asking with the samples as written, what is the downside of coyotes?
IIRC the old Denver set had some of this information, but it is one of the few SR items I do not own. (Yeah I have most everything save for SR 1 BBB and a few other SR 1 items.)
Is there another 'current' resource that really really goes into depth about all the issues with Border crossings? From Illegal cyberware to coyotes to all the non coyote illegal crossings and so on. (I'm thinking of something like Corporate Download security section for Borders.
ps: yes I have run border crossing in and out of Seattle for the better part of 15 years, but it was so uncommon that it was easy to handle in those situations... its the common daily multiple time crossing that have me in a lurch.