Although I've been told I can't post them here due to copyright issues, I thought I'd tell you where you can find 'em, as well as the titles. Enjoy.
Dragon Magazine #192:
"Fun, Fun, Fun Till Her Daddy Takes the Long Sword Away (with apologies to the Beach Boys)"
"Brown Eyed Ghoul (with apologies to Van Morrison)"
"Gnomish Space Marines (with apologies to the Beatles)"
"Companion's Rhapsody (with apologies to Queen)"
Dragon Magazine #204:
"Love Me, Kender (with apologies to Elvis Presley"
"Mister Sand Mage, or A Thousand and One Arabian Knights (with apologies to the Chordettes)"
"Simply Resurrectable (with apologies to Robert Palmer)"
"Drizzt's Lament, or Wastin' Away Again in Menzoberranzan (with apologies to Jimmy Buffet)"