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Full Version: Problems accessing DS since the upgrade
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Hi, don't know who best to help, but since the upgrade, the 4 people with 4 different computers in our house cannot load DS at all.

I've tried:

Clearing all temp internet files;
Using different browsers;
Following different links to DS;
Rebooting the router;
Leaving it 'loading ' for over an hour and a half...

None of these things have worked.

Does anybody have any suggestions, as one of the people in the house refs a couple of games, and would like to continue doing so.
Try logging out, then clearing the cookies (there's a link on the main page for this), then reboot and log back in.
Will try that tonight when I get home, as I can access this at work for some reason, then let you know if it worked..
Or just clear out the cookies in the normal manner before logging in, since you probably can't log in to log out or use the feature I described. smile.gif
QUOTE (Fortune @ Feb 11 2008, 05:17 AM) *
Try logging out, then clearing the cookies (there's a link on the main page for this), then reboot and log back in.

Although there is often much voodoo to computer maintenance, in a sane world this will be useless—he already tried an alternate browser, which will not (barring some really funky browser behaviour) have access to any of the cookies from the original browser.

Can you ping the server?

Open a Command Prompt (CMD.exe, typically in C:\Windows\System32 or in the Start Menu under Programs/Accessories(/System Tools), I think).

ping [ENTER]

Does it get replies or timeouts?

Can you open in your browser, or does it show the same behaviour?
If it does show the same behaviour, what happens when you use the following address in your browser?

QUOTE (Metatron @ Feb 11 2008, 04:30 AM) *
Hi, don't know who best to help, but since the upgrade, the 4 people with 4 different computers in our house cannot load DS at all.

Hi, Metatron,

I'm guessing that you're posting this from somewhere other than your house? If so, can you please PM me, or one of the other mods, with the IP address for your home router? It's possible that your router renewed its IP address and picked up a new IP address that was on our banned list for some reason.
Wouldn't the forum display a note when you load the site from a banned IP?

QUOTE (Thanee @ Feb 11 2008, 07:23 AM) *
Wouldn't the forum display a note when you load the site from a banned IP?


Depends on the forum software. Some are set up so that it doesn't, some are set up so that they do.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear this morning. (Still half asleep)

When I try to load DS, all I get is the logo and the little bits of text at the top, and it just stays on "waiting for". It never seems to get any further than this.

@the_dunner, consider yourself pm'd. I am able to view this at work, as I'm lucky enough to have access to a computer, unlike my ref (Ophis).
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Feb 11 2008, 10:40 PM) *
Although there is often much voodoo to computer maintenance, in a sane world this will be useless—he already tried an alternate browser, which will not (barring some really funky browser behaviour) have access to any of the cookies from the original browser.

While I understand what you are saying, I had the very same problem a couple of times with the old boards (even down to using an alternate browser), and the advice I gave in this thread is what fixed it for me. Note that I merely made a suggestion ... I did not at any time state that what I suggested was guaranteed to work.
I suggest making your router take on a new IP, thats about the only thing in a house that can hit all machines at once.
Having spoofed my ID via Aztalan, I appear to have access to DS. So the problem is IP related and I'm feeling like a real Hacker.
It know seems to be working fine on several house computers.
QUOTE (Ophis @ Feb 12 2008, 01:32 AM) *
Having spoofed my ID via Aztalan, I appear to have access to DS. So the problem is IP related and I'm feeling like a real Hacker.

HACKERZ!! grinbig.gif

Glad to hear, it's working again for you... smile.gif

One of our computors is still having a problem...

The one which has never had it's IP spoofed. This is starting to get a little Voodoo.
QUOTE (Ophis @ Feb 12 2008, 03:48 AM) *
One of our computors is still having a problem...

The one which has never had it's IP spoofed. This is starting to get a little Voodoo.

Please PM me technical details of what method you used to spoof the IPs to resolve the situation. I am thinking this might be a problem with you IP using a caching proxy server, but at this point its just a wag..
Thanks for the help you guys.

It appears to be sorted (whatever Ophis did) now.

Circumvented... the problem likely still persists.

Sorry to resurrect this thread again, but the 'fix' that was found doesn't appear to work anymore. As Thanee said, circumvented...

It was some kind of program to hide the IP address, and it seems to have stopped working. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how else to fix this, preferably permanently.
It just seems really odd that we have done nothing to the router etc and for some reason it just fails to recognise DS since the upgrade.
Plus not too helpful that my ref doesn't have access to a computer at work (unlike me..)

I have tried everything already suggested.

Any help would be great!


I think we have cracked it this time. Foxyproxy and Tor seem to do the trick, and they have the added bonus of being free!
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