D Minor
Feb 13 2008, 07:30 PM
Found this in the bargain bin anyone played it, and is it good? 9$ Canadian so with the exchange about 1200 American
Feb 13 2008, 07:50 PM
IIRC it got rather mediocre ratings and reviews - basically Diablo with guns and cyberware, but very repetitive gameplay and quite a load of bugs, especially game-stoppers like mission-important NPCs being accidentally killed, placed wrong (e.g. inside walls) or simply missing at all so you were stuck in an unfinishable mission...
Oh, and advertised but practically unusable multi-player.
The company stopped making patches long before all bugs were fixed.
Feb 13 2008, 08:36 PM
Yeah I remember this one too, back when it came out.
Don't buy it. Period. Not worth 9$.
Feb 15 2008, 05:21 AM
Looks like I'm in the minority here, but I'd pick it up since it's in the bargin bin, it's a fun little Diablo with guns, but it does have abunch of annoying bugs and there isn'y really much varity in the enemies you fight or the dungeons you crawl through. (I haven't run across any real game killing bugs yet with the exception of the random side missions, but you can always cancel out of them at the cost of some rep points.)
D Minor
Feb 17 2008, 10:28 PM
Thanks all. Picked it up anyway. Thanks for the feed back. I liked Diablo so thats not a minus, but its such a grind.
Definitely not worth 10 bucks but 9, it's so so.
Feb 17 2008, 11:35 PM
The demo was a much smoother game oddly enough.
But yeah, it's not so good, poor story arc.
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