Feb 21 2008, 07:40 PM
The Black Legion (Magical Group)
Purpose: The Black Legion is a group of Combat Mages and Combat Shamans that come together to promote the development of its members, including both physical and magical development.
Members: 2
Current Membership: Neon Ghost, and R-Caine
Strictures: Attendance (Quarterly), Exclusive Membership, Fraternity, Secrecy, and Oath.
Resources/Dues: Medium, Dues are 2500 Nuyen per month. The Legion operates out of a small building in a dilapidated part of Denver (UCAS Sector). The ground floor is a storefront for a legal firearms dealer while the top 2 floors and the basement are used for Legion activities. Facilities include a basement firing range (shared with gun dealer), 2nd floor dojo and gym (for physical training) a rating 7 magical lodge for both hermetic and shamanic traditions (Donated by the current members), a small library, summoning space, enchanting shop (Also donated by current membership), a conference room and a classroom area for instruction.
Description and Customs: The Black Legion is a Denver based magical group for mages and shamans who specialize in combat magic’s. The Legion has a Patron spirit known as “The Black Centurion� (A combination of Wise Warrior and Dragonslayer). This is an initiatory group to help its members to expand their magical skills, but also provides its members access to physical and technical training to improve their overall combat abilities. Prospective members must go through a thorough background check before they are approached for membership and must have knowledge of at least 3 combat spells to join the Black Legion. Since this is a secret organization a PC must either be approached for membership by a current member or make an extended etiquette check (12, 1 Day interval). Each contact a character possesses who is awakened, a talismonger, or a fixer who deals with the awakened adds +1 dice pool modifier. GM’s should enforce the combat mages and shamans only rule and be very sure the prospective member meets the spirit of this group as well as the rules requirements.
Feb 22 2008, 12:37 AM
QUOTE (R-Caine @ Feb 21 2008, 01:40 PM)
The Black Legion (Magical Group)
Purpose: The Black Legion is a group of Combat Mages and Combat Shamans that come together to promote the development of its members, including both physical and magical development.
Members: 2
Kind of hard to say you're a
group of Mages and Shamans, if you only have 2 members, ain't it?
Feb 22 2008, 06:19 AM
QUOTE (Deacon @ Feb 21 2008, 07:37 PM)
Kind of hard to say you're a
group of Mages and Shamans, if you only have 2 members, ain't it?
Maybe ones a mage and ones a shaman?
Feb 22 2008, 01:44 PM
If that were the case, it would be "a group of mage and shaman," which is also weird.
Feb 22 2008, 03:10 PM
Hey we have to start somewhere, we are recruiting that is why we posted he magical group here. Neon is a shaman and I am a mage.
Feb 22 2008, 04:19 PM
QUOTE (Aaron @ Feb 23 2008, 12:44 AM)
If that were the case, it would be "a group of mage and shaman," which is also weird.
Maybe it should read "a Group
for Mages and Shamans".
Feb 22 2008, 09:59 PM
Thank you Fortune, your right it probably should be For Mages and Shamans rather than of mages and shamans. But everyone please give me a break on the english lessons, this is a game and its supposed to be fun not an exercise in proper grammer. With that out, My friend and I started this group and are looking for a few other PC's who would like to join us. If you have a Missions character that fits the few rules requirments and and the flavor requirment please post and we may recruit your character. Or if you just want to make the extended test please join us and post here anyway we would be thrilled to connect to other players in other areas
Feb 22 2008, 11:34 PM
Well, not to be too hard, but another comical thing is that the group calls itself a legion, while still being only two guys...
Perhaps you could rather say that this two-man group is for now one cell of the Black Legion. The Illuminates of the New Dawn also do have several hundred members and are all organized into smaller initiation groups, so having a similar structure wouldn't be that bad for the Black Legion, right?
Feb 23 2008, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (Particle_Beam @ Feb 22 2008, 07:34 PM)
Well, not to be too hard, but another comical thing is that the group calls itself a legion, while still being only two guys...
Not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that a person or group in the Shadowrun setting uses a bit of mis-direction in a name. In any case, since those two guys undoubtedly have allies and contacts aside from themselves, the group as a sum of its resources might be reasonably thought to be larger than two (even if there are only two actual members).
Also, no Awakened group in any given location in Shadowrun is every going to be too terribly large in number anyway. Consequently, I don't think there will ever be any doubt in any Shadowrunner's mind that there will also be a certain tongue-in-cheek humor to the use of terms like "legion".
Frank the Wanderer
Feb 23 2008, 03:27 PM
MOD POST - This is a PLAYER RECRUITMENT THREAD. It is NOT a thread for heckling. This is an approved group for Missions characters to join. If you aren't interested in joining the group or discussing its policies prior to joining, then please exercise common courtesy to the author and leave it be.
Feb 24 2008, 12:25 AM
So the magical group is limited to 2 Traditions: Mage and Shaman?
Also Dunner how do we submit custom groups to you for approval? Does the GM have to be a Commando?
Feb 24 2008, 03:46 AM
QUOTE (toturi @ Feb 23 2008, 07:25 PM)
Also Dunner how do we submit custom groups to you for approval? Does the GM have to be a Commando?
PM me here or e-mail to missions@shadowrun4.com
The GM who supervised the rolls does not have to be a Commando. Frankly, as long as you've got a GM who runs missions who approved things, you don't need my approval.
Feb 25 2008, 03:35 AM
Post removed by poster.
Feb 27 2008, 08:22 AM
Thanks, have passed on to our mage.
Are there any other groups floating around looking for members? Have a number of Adepts and a Zoroastrian Magi who are interested.
Feb 27 2008, 09:06 AM
I would like a clarification. For purposes of SRM, is Mage and Shaman taken to mean only the specific Hermetic tradition and the specific Shamanic tradition as presented in the core book or traditions that make use of Logic and Charisma as Drain Attributes?
Feb 27 2008, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (Whitelaughter @ Feb 27 2008, 03:22 AM)
Are there any other groups floating around looking for members? Have a number of Adepts and a Zoroastrian Magi who are interested.
Well, I've heard
rumors about a group for adepts. You might want to look into that.
Casazil posted write-ups for a number of other groups. However, I don't believe any of these groups have members at this time.
QUOTE (toturi @ Feb 27 2008, 04:06 AM)
I would like a clarification. For purposes of SRM, is Mage and Shaman taken to mean only the specific Hermetic tradition and the specific Shamanic tradition as presented in the core book or traditions that make use of Logic and Charisma as Drain Attributes?
It's specific to the Hermetic and Shamanic traditions. e.g. a Chaos Mage could not join a Hermetic group.
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