Feb 25 2008, 01:37 AM
So I recently felt a major SR3 withdrawal, and I was wondering if everyone wouldn't mind helping with stats and costs for Ghouls, Shapeshifters, Metavariants, SURGE'd, and Drakes in SR4.
I will also be working on this (though I have just started)
Update 2/25: WearzManySkins supplied Metavariants and SURGE. Still need Drakes, Ghouls, and Shapeshifters.
Feb 25 2008, 02:13 PM
Here this is the SURGE conversions that used to be posted here before the forum changeover. Sorry I do not have the information on who is the original poster(s)
Positive SURGE Qualities:
Astral Sight: The character can see into the astral. Treat as the adept power of the same name.
Cost: 10 BP
Claws or Talons: The character has claws or talons on both their hands and feet. The character’s unarmed attacks do physical damage. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 5 BP
Dermal Deposits: The character has dermal deposits, similar to those of a troll’s. (This stacks with a trolls normal deposits.) The character gains +1 ballistic and +1 impact Armor.
Cost: 5 BP
Fangs: The character has Fangs. They can make a bite attack that does physical damage. Fangs require an exotic weapon skill.
Cost: 5 BP
Feline Eyes: The character gains low light vision, but their eyes look like cat’s eyes.
Cost: 5 BP
Gills: The character can breathe underwater. The character can also still breathe air.
Cost: 10 BP
Horns: The character has horns on their head. They can make a head butt attack that does physical damage. Horns require an exotic weapon skill. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 5 BP
Improved Hearing: Treat as rating 2 Audio enhancement, only without the ability to interact with technology (Since it is natural)
Cost: 5 BP
Improved Scent: Treat as a rating 4 olfactory booster, only without the ability to interact with technology (Since it is natural).
Cost: 5 BP
Improved Taste: Treat as a rating 4 taste booster, only without the ability to interact with technology (Since it is natural).
Cost: 5 BP
Long Tail: The character has a long tail that helps with their balance. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 5 BP
Marsupial Pouch: The character has a pocket formed naturally in his skin somewhere on his body. Treat as Skin pocket bioware, only it can hold up to 2 kilos.
Cost: 5 BP
Natural Venom: The character generates a natural toxin in his body. The cost depends on the rating of the toxin, any side effects, and the method of delivery. The maximum that can be spent on a venom is 20 BP, the least is 5. Refer to the chart for costs:
Effect: Cost:
Per 2 DV power: +5 BP
Stun damage only -5 BP
Physical damage +0 BP
Secondary Effects
Disorientation +5 BP
Nausea +5 BP
Paralysis +10 BP
Contact +0 BP
Injection (requires a SURGE weapon quality (Such as fangs) for injection.) -5 BP
Inhalation (Within 2 meters of the character when he attacks.) +5 BP
Prehensile Tail: Unlike the balance tail, the prehensile tail is completely under the character’s control. It may be used as an extra limb, though it lacks any digits for fine manipulation. Use the tail’s stats for any test it makes, and apply a +2 dice pool modifier to any test made by the tail if it requires fine manipulation. The physical statistics of the tail are Str of the character’s. No matter what a tail’s strength, however, it can support the character’s weight. The character must get specially adapted clothing to accommodate the extra limb. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 15 BP
Retractable Claws: These act like the claws above, but can be retracted.
Cost: 10 BP
Satyr Legs: These legs add 10 meters to the running rate of a character. They also receive +1DV on kick attacks, and add 1 die to the character’s quickness for the purpose of jumping only. The character must get specially adapted clothing to accommodate the legs. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 15 BP
Thermographic vision: The character has Thermographic Vision.
Cost: 5 BP
Webbed hands/feet: The character is treated as if they have swim fins at all times.
Cost: 5 BP
Additionally, the following traits may be chosen as SURGE traits: Ambidextrous, Animal Empathy, Astral Chameleon, Double Jointed, High Pain Tolerance, Magic Resistance, Murky Link, Natural Immunity, and Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins, Toughness.
Negative SURGE Qualities:
Altered Eye Color: The character has an unusual color of Eye. It might be bright red, pink, neon green, slit eyes, swirls, whatever. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Altered Skin Color: The Character’s Skin is a weird color for their metatype. It might be red, blue, striped, polka dotted, or any other strange skin color and pattern. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Astral Hazing: The character generates a background count around himself. (Awakened characters cannot take this flaw.) Every hour a person with astral hazing stays in an area, it develops 1 point of background count, to a maximum of 5 points. All spirits hate him (Treat as spirit bane for all spirits) and Paranimals are afraid of him (Treat as Critter Spook.)
Cost: -20 BP
Bio-Rejection: A character with this Flaw may not get any form of Cyberwear or Bioware, ever. Their system simply will not accept the implant. Any replacement parts must be cloned from his or her own DNA.
Cost: -20 BP (-10 for the awakened.)
Chronic Osteocuspus: A character with this mouthful of a flaw sprouts thorn-like protrusions from their skin. These thorns are grown out of the bone, and pierce the character’s flesh and skin. The wounds caused by this never heal. Though the bones can be trimmed, they will grow back over a period of four weeks, during which the character suffers a -4 die pool penalty to all checks. All armor and clothes must be modified to accommodate the spikes, and the character has to be particularly careful not to harm others through everyday interaction. Sadly, they will probably never be able to share physical affection with anyone other than a hardcore masochist. This also makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities. The character may also not get any skin-based cyberwear.
On the positive side (If you consider it such) the character gains the high pain tolerance quality at 3rd level for free. The character also does (Str/2 + 1)P in unarmed combat.
Cost: -20 BP
Critter Spook: The opposite of Animal empathy, animals are never comfortable around characters with critter spook. The character has a -2 die pool penalty to all interactions with animals or Paranimals. Animals will frequently sound the alarm at a mere sight of the character, and will either run away from him or attack if he comes too close. Apply a -1 die pool penalty to anyone’s attempt to interact with animals in the character’s presence due to the character’s effect on the animals.
Cost: -10 BP
Cyclops: The character has only 1 eye, causing them to constantly have no depth perception. In addition, they look strange. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -10 BP
Dual Natured: The character is dual natured, allowing them to see onto the astral, but leaving them open to attack from the astral as well. A mage who astrally projects is not dual natured while projecting, but is otherwise dual natured at all times, just like a mundane with this flaw.
Cost: -15 BP (-10 BP for awakened)
Feathers: The character grows feathers, often in place of hair or in very visible places. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Pointed Ears: The character has pointed ears, like an elf’s. If the character is a metatype, their ears are particularly long, even for their race. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Scales: The Character has scales all over their body, or at least in very visible places. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Slow Healer: The character heals more slowly than others, due to changes to their system. Apply a -2 die pool penalty to all healing attempts, including magical ones.
Cost: -10 BP
Third Eye: This character has a third eye in the middle of their forehead. They may maintain depth perception even if one eye is injured. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Tusks: The character has tusks like an ork’s or troll’s. If the character is an Ork or troll, they have unusually large tusks. They may not be used as weapons. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Unusual Hair: The character has weird hair. It may grow in unusual places, be unnatural colors, or grow in odd shapes. This makes the character really stand out. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
Vestigial Tail: This is a tail, but unlike other sorts, it does nothing useful. The character must sit funny, buy special clothes, and put up with the stares of strangers. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: -5 BP
The following Negative Qualities can be chosen as SURGE Qualities: Allergy, Astral Beacon, Low Pain Tolerance, Sensitive Neural Structure, Sensitive System, Spirit Bane, Weak Immune System.
I added the Arms of Kali
Arms of Kali I: Character has an extra set of fully functional arms below his normal ones. The character can fire 4 hand weapons at once subject to the normal penalties, including having to split his his dice for hits four ways. Clothing/armor cost 20% more for this character due it has be made/adjusted for him or her. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 10 BP
Arms of Kali II: Character has an two extra set of fully functional arms below his normal ones. The character can fire 6 hand weapons at once subject to the normal penalties, including having to split his his dice for hits six ways. Clothing/armor cost 40% more for this character due it has be made/adjusted for him or her. Such changelings may not have the human looking or Blandness qualities.
Cost: 20 BP
All changlings with either quality either have a longer torso than normal or legs shorter than normal. Or a combination of two.
Cyber Arms is not an option for these changlings due to the great interests that medical types have in their neuromuscular and neurosystems. Ie they might get cyber arms but they will never enter play due their being studied, ie locked up.
Characters with 4 arms get a bonus to climb rolls of 2 dice, those with 6 get a bonus of 4 dice to climbing rolls.
Most of all known changlings with this quality are of Indian subcontinent background.
I will post the Metahuman race variants when I get the information from my spreadsheet.
Feb 25 2008, 03:26 PM
Ok here is the metahuman race variants that used to be in the Forums here. Again I do not have the original poster(s) names.
Cyclops - Troll - (40BP)
40BP BOD 5/10(15) AGI 1/5 (7) REA 1/6 (9) STR 6/11 (16) CHA 1/4 (6) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/4 (6) WIL 1/6(9) INI 2/12(18) +1 reach, -2 dice pool penalty for sight based perception and ranged combat
+4 Body, +5 Str,
Fomori - Troll - (35BP)
35BP BOD 4/9 (13) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/5 (7) STR 4/9 (13) CHA 1/6 (9) INT 1/5 (7) LOG 1/5 (7) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/11 (16) +1 reach, Thermographic Vision
+3 Body, +3 Str
Giant - Troll - (45BP)
45BP BOD 5/10 (15) AGI 1/5 (7) REA 1/6 (9) STR 6/11 (16) CHA 1/4 (6) INT 1/5 (7) LOG 1/5 (7) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/12 (18) +1 reach, Thermographic Vision
+4 Body, +5 Str,
Minotaurs - Troll - (40BP)
40BP BOD 4/9(13) AGI 1/5 (7) REA 1/6 (9) STR 4/9 (13) CHA 1/5 (7) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/5 (7) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/12 (18) Thermographic Vision, +1 reach, +1 natural armor
+3 Body, +3 Str
Koborokuru - Dwarf - (40BP)
40BP BOD 2/7 (10) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/6 (9) STR 3/8 (12) CHA 1/6 (9) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 2/7 (10) INI 2/12 (18) Natural Immunity (15 point version and 5 point version)
+1 Body, +2 Str, +1 Will
Menehune - Dwarf - (25BP)
25BP BOD 3/8 (12) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/5 (7) STR 2/7 (10) CHA 1/6 (9) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 2/7 (10) INI 2/11 (16) Thermographic Vision, +2 dice against pathogens and toxins
+2 Body, +1 Str, +1 Will
Gnomes - Dwarf - (35BP)
35BP BOD 2/7 (10) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/6 (9) STR 2/7 (10) CHA 1/6 (9) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 3/8 (12) INI 2/12 (18) Thermographic Vision
+1 Body, +1 Str, +2 Will
Oni - Ork - (25BP)
25BP BOD 3/8 (12) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/6 (9) STR 3/8 (12) CHA 1/5 (7) INT 1/5 (7) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/11 (16) Lowlight Vision
+2 Body, +2 Str
Ogre - Ork - (20BP)
20BP BOD 4/9 (13) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/6 (9) STR 3/8 (12) CHA 1/6 (9) INT 1/5 (7) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/11 (16)
+3 Body, +2 Str,
Hobgoblin - Ork - 20BP
20BP BOD 3/8 (12) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/6 (9) STR 3/8 (12) CHA 1/4 (6) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 2/12 (18) Lowlight Vision
+2 Body, +2 Str
Satyr - Ork - (30BP)
30BP BOD 4/9 (13) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 1/5 (7) STR 3/8 (12) CHA 1/5 (7) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/5 (7) WIL 2/7 (10) INI 2/10 (15) Troll Movement Speeds, Lowlight Vision
+3 Body, +2 Str
Wakyambi - Elf - (35BP)
35BP BOD 1/6 (9) AGI 1/6 (9)) REA 1/6 (9) STR 1/6 (9) CHA 3/8 (12) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 2/7 (10) INI 2/12 (18) Lowlight Vision
+2 Cha, +1 Will
Night Ones - Elf - (30BP)
30BP BOD 1/6 (9) AGI 2/7 (10) REA 2/7 (10) STR 1/6 (9) CHA 3/8 (12) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 3/13 (19) Mild Allergy: Sunlight, Lowlight Vision
+1 Agi, +1 Rea, +2 Cha, +1 Ini
Dryads - Elf - (35BP)
35BP BOD 1/5 (7) AGI 1/6 (9) REA 2/7 (10) STR 1/5 (7) CHA 4/9 (13) INT 1/6 (9) LOG 1/6 (9) WIL 1/6 (9) INI 3/13 (19) Mild Allergy: Urban Areas, +2 dice pool modifier for all tests involving the influence or control of forest animals
Edit: Changed Dryad's mild allergy from Pollutants to Urban Areas.
+3 Cha, +2 Ini
Feb 28 2008, 02:13 AM
Could the rules in Augmentation I believe allow you to basically figure out a point system for Changeling/Shapeshifter abilities? Drakes as well of course.
Apr 2 2008, 03:23 AM
Well, found some good Ghoul stats for SR4, Courtesy of Frank Trollman:
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Feb 18 2008, 03:59 PM)

Ghoul (30 BP):
B: 5/10
A: 1/6
R: 3/8
S: 4/9
C: 1/4
I: 2/7
L: 1/5
W: 3/8
Edg: 1/6
Ess: 5
M: 1/5
Movement: 10/25
Dual Natured, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell), Natural Weapon (Claws: S/2 + 1), Resistance (+3 dice vs. Disease)
Ghouls get the following Negative Qualities and gain no BPs for them (these do not count against the 35 BP limit):
Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Dark Secret (Ghoul), Dietary Requirement (Metahuman Flesh), Reduced Senses (Blind).
Jul 16 2008, 11:22 PM
i have some questions regarding those, but they will have to wait untill i am well rested so the questions won't be:"Why? that's stupid!"
Jul 17 2008, 01:53 AM
We should be seeing the official versions of these this year with the runner's companion release.