Is there anyone out there in the UK based in sheffield or even worksop.
Looking to play/run SR4.
Mar 6 2008, 11:57 PM
Im in Brandon suffolk. im a bit a ways away from you but a train ride on the weekends is do able for me if there is a shadowrun game goin down. hit me up if your interested.
I'm based in Rotherham. But im not looking for a group at the minute and can't be bothered to change my planed stuff for one stranger. (Sorry but I'm shy around new people and I'm swamped with stuff ATM .)
Apr 1 2008, 08:27 AM
@Saytr: Nothing going on at weekends atm as I work saturdays ¬¬ which is tiresome.
@Dumori: Don't worry about it, if you do have space/whatever just pop me a PM.
Apr 18 2008, 01:27 AM
Unfortunately Lincolnshire here, wish there were more local players myself, I could really use a break from running
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