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Full Version: Shadowrun Digital IP back in Weissman's Hands:
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*ignore the extra s in Weisman's name.

Am I the only one who missed this story?

My favorite quote from the article:
"We’re not quite ready to announce our plans for each property, but please be assured that our goal is to surprise and delight old fans, while welcoming new fans to these fantastic worlds."

Hmmm.. Here's hoping for a new future to Shadowrun / Mechwarrior digital entertainment.
Wow !!

Interesting times ahead, if all goes well.
The IP is not back in his hands, he just got the license from Microsoft. This means they have retained the rights to those properties.
Mr. Man
Original thread
Wounded Ronin
Well, it probably won't happen, but I would hope that they'd put together an 80s tastic type Deus Ex style game. I mean, the 80s are popular again...
I would like a game kind of like Dungeon Siege 2, a third-person RPG where you can coop via LAN or the internet. although the "magically come back to life" thing would have to go. several different cities to operate in, easy modification, aaand I'm way off topic now.
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