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Remember folks, Level 3 is "professional" -- THAT MEANS YOU CAN MAKE A LIVING AT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you never get past 3 in a skill, that's good enough.
Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 14 2008, 10:33 AM) *
You have whatever leeway the character creation rules say you have. If it is acceptable under the guidelines then you don’t need to ask, if it doesn’t fall under the guidelines, then there is no leeway, unless it’s an issue of you not understanding/the rules not covering the issue in question.

If you want to improve the pilot ratings beyond what’s allowed by the guidelines, you’ll have to do it in game. On the bright side, it’ll certainly give you something to do with your free time.
Yeah... given my experience in LitS (three and a half years, and most of us are still in our second week), somehow I doubt I'll have the 6+ months necessary to program a drone pilot... the programming rules in SR4 are even more ridiculous than the SR3 version. nyahnyah.gif

The problem here is that the rules just don't cover what I'm looking for, at all. There are no rules for bug-ridden programs (yet), and the rules for used or flawed gear boil down to "ask your GM."

So I'm asking. biggrin.gif
Welcome to the next phase Neuntoter and Bear!
You guys should both be approved to the wiki now... I still have to put up your pages, it'll take a bit of time but I'll post the links there in the thread when they're ready so you guys don't have to go looking for them...

Like we asked of Whipstitch and Dantic, we'll need one-liner descriptions for your characters for the roster page. biggrin.gif
Ok, Pages are done



Ask if you guys have any questions about working on the wiki. Save early and save often when you're working just so you don't lose everything smile.gif
Eyeless Blond
Okay, quick update to concept. More in-depth detail later.

[ Spoiler ]

Still not sure about gang affiliation; any more info available on the Brickhouse Boys and Lost Boys?

There really isn't much more info on the two gangs outside of anything that might be in Shade's Journal on the wiki. The characters that were playing the gangers left over from those gangs are all in the inactive list.

I'd be willing to entertain you running with fleshing out either of those gangs within reason to work Drip into them. Obviously we'd want to have some say in that in case any of those 3 characters were to come back into the game at some point that their initial ideas weren't completely torn apart.
Eyeless Blond
Heh, yeah, I noticed the Lost Boys' character was a technomancer too. nyahnyah.gif

Okay, I'll work something out and post it this evening or tomorrow, along with a prelimiary build (I'll have to get on that part quick; if I do get approval I'm gonna have to do at least a little back-and-forth about used vehicles, as the book section regarding them is remarkably incomplete).
Ok, I made a few last changes to Twiggs, bought some inline skates, think this could be interesting, (skate by purse snatching, lookout on wheels, etc.) I changed around some skills, done with those now, happy with what I got. Finaly did my takes on other gangs, should be good for review.
Heh, yeah, I noticed the Lost Boys' character was a technomancer too.

That was also when I had three GMs on staff, one of whom was my Matrix Specialist GM, instead of just yours truly.

Find me another GM who's also willing to be the Matrix Specialist GM who also meets my standards for being on my GM staff and then we'll talk about you being a TM. nyahnyah.gif
Eyeless Blond
I'd throw my hat into the ring, but then that'd kinda be the fox guarding the henhouse, wouldn't it? biggrin.gif
i think

upstanding defense attorney turned rogue street wiz

fits the bill pretty good.

and could you fix that typo in my name on the roster?
QUOTE (Neuntöter @ Mar 14 2008, 05:21 PM) *
i think

upstanding defense attorney turned rogue street wiz

fits the bill pretty good.

and could you fix that typo in my name on the roster?

Done, though I noticed it is wrong elsewhere too. You should be able to edit your pages, if you are having trouble let me know and I will try to fix them this weekend.
ah, thanks. I wasn't aware that we could even edit parts of the roster. I thought that only extended to the actual character pages.
QUOTE (Neuntöter @ Mar 14 2008, 07:20 PM) *
ah, thanks. I wasn't aware that we could even edit parts of the roster. I thought that only extended to the actual character pages.

Nope, you guys can edit anything on the wiki... but please be careful when you're doing so. biggrin.gif Nice part is it keeps track of previous versions of pages, so if you REALLY screw things up they can be "fixed"... But I'd rather not have to go there nyahnyah.gif

And FYI, I'm pretty anal about keeping the wiki "clean" so if you guys want to make pages please PM me and let me know so I can either tell you where to put them and how to name them accordingly or build a base page for you. Everyone's got their OCD's, this is one of mine. Plus it makes it a lot easier than having to move pages and/or rename and redirect them biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 14 2008, 08:37 AM) *
Here's the situation. The concept is just too out there and doesn't make rational sense from an in-game perspective. Why would a Bunraku parlor go through the trouble (and expense!) of turning him into a woman when they could easily snatch up a number of women and get the same results without the hassle?

The meat puppet story is for the how he acquire the some of his 'wares. Like commlink, simrig, cyber eye and ear. How about making him functional hermaphrodites? May be there's someone w/ taste like that. In that case, it doesn't matter who Bunraku parlor to pick up, because they all have to go through almost same modification. But, if it isn't rational, I'll accept the male Bunraku puppet idea.

QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 14 2008, 08:37 AM) *
Also, what makes him an asset to the Ravens as he/she is? Really there's not a lot there in the concept that would have the gang want him. They're not going to accept him out of the goodness of their hearts, he's another mouth to feed.

I wanted to make him to be simsense/BTL producer with counterfeiting skills. Which would bring financial benefit to the gang by selling simsense/BTL, and with the counterfeiting skill, I was thinking of operating small time counterfeiting jobs, such as credsticks and stuff, which it also be beneficial to the gang.

Some problems he might have to face are:
-Since he was gone missing for 5 years from the streets of Redmond, no one would recognize him (for being changed into a girl and all, if I use my earlier concept).
-Since no one knows or recognize him anymore, no one would trust him (which character have to earn the trust of Ravens or at least make Ravens to see that he is beneficial to the gang as money maker, whether he's a male or female).

And because of this, the character must go through initiation (if there is one), or may be work with them independently for while, as "potential," till Ravens accept him as family. But that's depend on what the group/GM thinks of this concept.

I did not put that story in the basic concept of the character, and I apologize for that. I meant to put those stuff in the 30 questions, where it asks those question.

If these ideas are reasonable to accept me in the game, give me a green sign. If not, please tell me where it needs to be changed, so that I can.
[ok, the server is being dumb and won't let me quote properly... so use your imagination]

Blade is a concept we can work with in game and the "low-tech" melee weapon making is an interesting twist, but know that you're not going to be creating uber fancy weapons with out there mods or high tech (obviously). Also keep in mind that making these things is going to take TIME in game. If you're not willing to RP it out or at least spend a lot of time as "Blade's off in the corner playing with his little toys" you're not going to be producing results IC'ly. Also, none of us are keen with the "gremlins" idea to be honest.

[quotation ends here]

(to save space)

[ Spoiler ]

so then, anyways, here's a bit of backstory then, i suppose smile.gif

[ Spoiler ]

And, here's one about his ancestor that should provide some insight smile.gif (his *real* name is Sunshine Clearwater... i've decided his parents wanted to emphasize his Amerindian roots, and named him and his sister after stuff that happened when they were born =P )

[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Jaid @ Mar 14 2008, 07:48 PM) *
so why not just give him a (non-implanted) simrig and a simsense kit so he can actually make his own? smile.gif mind you, that simrig would be your 1 avail 12 item, but totally doable, and it would make you not dependant on others nyahnyah.gif

Well, actually I was thinking of Bunraku parlor does make simsense/BTL using their puppet "servicing" clients, thus implants him simrig cyberware. And may be recording it w/ puppet's cyber eye (well, may be this can be acquired before becoming puppet), into their head/commlink (also possible, before or after being puppet, because he'll be using it to produce some counterfeits if before, or after if puppet parlor doesn't want the clients to see some commlink on him or around the room) to do some black mailing, if possible.

well, i expect he'll have a kit, and if nothing else will be able to make various things via flint-knapping (iirc macahuitls, tomahawks, and spears all would be reasonable examples... now if only a volcan had erupted right nearby and left all kinds of handy rocks around... *whistles innocently*). that would be something that he likely could do whilst also hanging around on guard duty, during gang meetings, etc. i don't see why i would have to sacrifice RPing just because he's making something.

True, he could do those things. But those are only short periods of time that you will have to track. An hour here, half hour there and if you are working on a weapon while on guard duty you won't be paying attention to what you are supposed to be doing which would be guarding. Now that said, that is a RP choice that you would make with your character and I am fine with that, but there will likely be time that you will have to RP sitting in a corner working on stuff. It just tends to work out that way. If you find that part interesting that is awesome, but there is a sacrifice that will be made. You will not be allowed to just go out and do whatever with the gang and then say...oh and I worked on my tomahawk too. That will get vetoed quick from the GM. You may be able to split time, but WR1 was giving you a heads up. That is how he runs item creation. If it takes you a week of working 8 hours a day to complete a task and you say "I'm gonna sit here and work 8 hours a day on this project." Then that is how much IC time it takes. You can leave the project if something comes up but your time accumulated will stop and not start up again until to say. "OK I am going back to work on said project."

Does that help clarify anything. WR1 - Is that a decent summary of how you run things?

as far as gremlins, i'm curious why not? i have some guesses as to what your concerns may be, but i'd like to hear from you to be sure. in any case, i'll throw out some observations that may change how you look at gremlins:

1) it doesn't technically affect cyber. makes no sense, but if you really have a huge issue with me not being able to use, say, a commlink, then *technically* i could have an implanted one, and it would work fine. though to be honest, i didn't plan on having any cyber in this character, since it's not particularly appropriate thematically in my head (yet, at least, though i suppose you could persuade me). i am considering sensitive system also, to reflect the whole "doesn't get along with tech" theme, in addition to gremlins, but that would still leave room for 1.5 essence of cyber.

2) it also doesn't technically apply except "whenever the character is attempting to use a moderately sophisticated device (late 20th century technology or later)." strictly speaking, this means that i could *technically* have, say, a motorcycle, provided i rip out the pilot program and the wireless stuff. i could *technically* have a gun (but not a smartgun) or a radio (but not a commlink) and it would work just fine. again, not quite what i had originally planned, but if it's a huge issue, i can just tone back the theme a little. i mean, having a radio wouldn't totally kill the RPing, since i can always just claim the effect is weakening and used to be stronger wink.gif .

3) if it really massively hugely bothers you still, for reasons that will be in spoiler (primarily for making it shorter) i *could* replace it with a combination of spirit bane, sensitive system, and simsense vertigo.

that said, i was actually planning on suggesting some changes on how it works... basically limiting him from using electrical devices and matrix devices, in particular, rather than limiting him in terms of when it would have been available chronologically to just what kind of device it is. for example, strictly speaking, a monowhip (which i won't be using, this is just for illustrative purposes) would be affected by gremlins. so would any attempt to use most of the drugs in the game, since they are post-20th century technology.

in any case, even if you decide gremlins is too much and you request i replace it with other similar flaws, i can still always just not trust electronic devices because of past experiences within the family =P

[ Spoiler ]


We have discussed it. Male Bunraku puppet. That's it.


I know I am being a little short right now, but we don't just make snap decisions when we talk this over, so please take what we are telling you seriously. There will be no modified or tweaked rules of any kind unless they are on the wiki. If we come back and say no to something about your character is really means no.
Soooo... has the gang alread decided on colors or has that yet to be handled ICly?
What skill governs construction equipment?

Pilot Exotic - Construction Equipment


Pilot Ground Craft (Construction Equipment)

Aha - what's this...?

Badmarsh reincarnating as a construction worker?!

Not that my opinion matters, but I like the latter - though I've seen both on these boards.
No pimps this go round. biggrin.gif

This time I'm ponying up an undocumented worker out of work. Permanently. Construction work. He'd have been a natural to join the Steel Demons Asphalt Kings, but he really REALLY doesn't like them. He has a big family, they're all over the place, scraping by, though few would recognize him if they saw him.

Still kicking around a name. I think I have his stats squared away. I think.
QUOTE (Whipstitch @ Mar 14 2008, 10:46 PM) *
Soooo... has the gang alread decided on colors or has that yet to be handled ICly?

Hasn't been decided yet IC or OOC as far as I can remember... something to work on in game I suppose
One question about gear. I bought inline skates for Twiggs, they are from Arsenal pg. 62, I'd rather have a skateboard, or skimmerboard with tech similar to skimmer disk available as cyber in Augmentation pg 47. I figure a skateboard would be cheaper maybe the same 100 nuyen.gif as inline skates with the same basic stats of one and one-half movement, where skimmer tech would probably be 3000 nuyen.gif or so with an avail around 6, and movment like the cyber of two times movement. Also a skateboard could be used as an improvised club weapon.
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 14 2008, 08:32 PM) *
We have discussed it. Male Bunraku puppet. That's it.

Alright, Male Bunraku puppet it is. I'll modify the background/concept this weekend. So... GM/staff doesn't mind that if I use this story to give him some reasonable cyber/biowares?
QUOTE (Vegas @ Mar 15 2008, 12:00 PM) *
Hasn't been decided yet IC or OOC as far as I can remember... something to work on in game I suppose

Hehe, yah Baby needs her first ink, so I was wondering the same thing, but certainly a topic for discussion in the OCC and IC threads.
Eyeless Blond
QUOTE (Dantic @ Mar 15 2008, 11:36 AM) *
One question about gear. I bought inline skates for Twiggs, they are from Arsenal pg. 62, I'd rather have a skateboard, or skimmerboard with tech similar to skimmer disk available as cyber in Augmentation pg 47. I figure a skateboard would be cheaper maybe the same 100 nuyen.gif as inline skates with the same basic stats of one and one-half movement, where skimmer tech would probably be 3000 nuyen.gif or so with an avail around 6, and movment like the cyber of two times movement. Also a skateboard could be used as an improvised club weapon.

You're kidding, they have hoverboards in SR4? Wow, where was I when this happened? biggrin.gif

Grr, and there appears to be no rules for getting Microscopic Vision in goggles instead of as cyberware, though the 'ware is extremely available.
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Mar 15 2008, 04:49 PM) *
You're kidding, they have hoverboards in SR4? Wow, where was I when this happened? biggrin.gif

Grr, and there appears to be no rules for getting Microscopic Vision in goggles instead of as cyberware, though the 'ware is extremely available.

There aren't hoverboards specificaly, but Augmentation has a skimmerdisk cyberfoot mod that lets you put a pair of skimmer disk in the bottom of your feet, based on microskimmer drone tech, if you can put the tech in cyber feet, it makes sense that it can be put in something more mundane.
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 14 2008, 11:25 PM) *
True, he could do those things. But those are only short periods of time that you will have to track. An hour here, half hour there and if you are working on a weapon while on guard duty you won't be paying attention to what you are supposed to be doing which would be guarding. Now that said, that is a RP choice that you would make with your character and I am fine with that, but there will likely be time that you will have to RP sitting in a corner working on stuff. It just tends to work out that way. If you find that part interesting that is awesome, but there is a sacrifice that will be made. You will not be allowed to just go out and do whatever with the gang and then say...oh and I worked on my tomahawk too. That will get vetoed quick from the GM. You may be able to split time, but WR1 was giving you a heads up. That is how he runs item creation. If it takes you a week of working 8 hours a day to complete a task and you say "I'm gonna sit here and work 8 hours a day on this project." Then that is how much IC time it takes. You can leave the project if something comes up but your time accumulated will stop and not start up again until to say. "OK I am going back to work on said project."

Does that help clarify anything. WR1 - Is that a decent summary of how you run things?
that's no problem, i can't argue with that smile.gif i was just pointing out that i wouldn't *always* be stuck doing nothing as far as making stuff. i agree completely that i would, at best, be distracted (and at worst not even get a check to notice stuff) on guard duty while making stuff, so no disagreement there anyways.

Lots of *technically's* in there. Maybe chalk this up to spirit of the law as opposed to letter of the law.
good, i was proposing those in case your concerns were things relating to the gang having difficulty communicating with him or similar. so basically, you're going to run it the way i would run it (basically, if it moves under it's own power rather than being people-powered, or if it interracts with the matrix/wireless in any way, then it's subject to gremlins?). essentially, i was proposing those as possible solutions if your concern was with him not using those devices. the character was intended (and still is, now) to be an uncybered mundane.

I just thought is was something that was to much of a detriment to others too. Why would a gang want to keep someone that has the very real potential to screw up their stuff.
well, only if he uses it. if he doesn't swipe someone's commlink to make a call, then their commlink won't reboot and lose all their pr0n (and have it replaced with gay troll pr0n) and since he knows what happens when he touches things, he'll make a point not too wink.gif

I really like it as a character quirk more than a flaw. I guess right now it is best to say we don't like it and would like to see it changed. Above and beyond that, you have a character that has gremlins, but will never use stuff that affects you as your *technically's* point out. That doesn't work with DiTG either. Flaws are flaws and should come into play. We can argue points all day long, but none of us are comfortable letting that flaw in, particularly with your concept, so it isn't going to fly. Period. Lets move on so we can keep you moving towards acceptance in the game.
again, my *technically's* were intended to resolve any possible concerns relating to an inability on his part to use those devices without it screwing up. as i said (in that same post, no less) it is against the concept, but if the concern was with him being unable to use those devices that i was willing to be a little flexible on the issue. in particular, i would refer you to such statements that i made as 'though to be honest, i didn't plan on having any cyber in this character, since it's not particularly appropriate thematically in my head ' or ' i could *technically* have a gun (but not a smartgun) or a radio (but not a commlink) and it would work just fine. again, not quite what i had originally planned, but if it's a huge issue, i can just tone back the theme a little. i mean, having a radio wouldn't totally kill the RPing...' to show that my intended character is uncybered, and does not use any tech.

as far as not being a flaw if i avoid it, i feel that i should point out that if there was a flaw called "won't use any advanced technology" people would probably avoid it like the plague. honestly, not using technological devices is a flaw in and of itself. i mean, if legion just refused to do anything when it's daylight, would that make his allergy to sunlight and his geas cease to be flaws, or would he be feeling the effects of the flaws even if he didn't go out into the sunlight? really, it makes little sense for someone to just completely reject all the amazing devices available unless they have some kind of actual mechanical reason to do so.

regardless, if you're that dead set against it, i can change it around. just thought it would be interesting to try a flaw that i've never picked up yet, see how it goes (but then, i've never taken simsense vertigo before either, so we'll see how that goes i guess.) unless of course you feel that not using simsense is still not a flaw, but seriously, it's not like it has no effect on him.
QUOTE (Slipshade @ Mar 15 2008, 03:26 PM) *
Hehe, yah Baby needs her first ink, so I was wondering the same thing, but certainly a topic for discussion in the OCC and IC threads.

Yeah, I have a feeling Ink will be busy IC'ly when the gang has some downtime and an HQ to meet up/work out of and we get the colours hammered out as I've got something planned for Nevada too.

I think Black is a given, but just with the whole October bit I'd imagine fall'ish colours of rust, gold, red, brown, etc. *shrugs* but that's just me smile.gif
So, I just noted something I should have realized earlier, but didn't due to SM's colorful description of Shamanic Way Adepts: Mentor Spirits are listed as available for people with the Magician and Mystic Adept qualities only, by the RAW. Should I drop the Rat thing, ignore the tecnicality or go ahead and reconfigure him as a Mystic Adept? I don't really see the character as a true a spell caster, but I certainly could live with putting a point of magic into Sorcery/Conjuring and taking Counterspelling as his sole Mystic talent (having some protection from Detection spells at least would make sense).
Still kicking around a name. I think I have his stats squared away. I think.

So from previous experience, I estimate that means we'll have a completed character from you by...what, summer 2009? nyahnyah.gif

Although let me guess, there is ONE thing you do have squared away for certain: a monofilament chainsaw! Am I correct? biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Whipstitch @ Mar 15 2008, 06:59 PM) *
So, I just noted something I should have realized earlier, but didn't due to SM's colorful description of Shamanic Way Adepts: Mentor Spirits are listed as available for people with the Magician and Mystic Adept qualities only, by the RAW. Should I drop the Rat thing, ignore the tecnicality or go ahead and reconfigure him as a Mystic Adept? I don't really see the character as a true a spell caster, but I certainly could live with putting a point of magic into Sorcery/Conjuring and taking Counterspelling as his sole Mystic talent (having some protection from Detection spells at least would make sense).

that has been noted to be an error. behold!

QUOTE (SR4 page 192 @ "Mentor Spirits")
Members of any tradition may have mentor spirits, including adepts.
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 15 2008, 05:04 PM) *
So from previous experience, I estimate that means we'll have a completed character from you by...what, summer 2009? nyahnyah.gif

Although let me guess, there is ONE thing you do have squared away for certain: a monofilament chainsaw! Am I correct? biggrin.gif

Well, not until NOW, it wasn't. Now I HAVE to include it. nyahnyah.gif

Any ruling on what skill governs construction equipment?
Yeah, see, I saw that, but what's confusing me is that it says under the quality itself that mystic adepts and magicians are eligible with no mention of vanilla adepts. Whch makes me wonder which section is in error or if perhaps in your quote they intended "adepts" to be interpreted as MystAds.

I mean, either way it doesn't change my background much, so I can work with things to end up with more or less the same sort of character from an rp perspective, but I still rather wish the book was clearer.

I'm not sure if the reasons behind us not being cool with you taking Gremilns as a flaw are totally clear. The biggest thing was that you were taking a flaw that with the way you were proposing making your character was basically going to be getting those flaw points for "Free" which is "totally not cool" in this game. Everyone's flaws are going to effect them (and possibly the gang as a whole). By making your guy specifically a "low-tech" weapons maker, without a commlink, and a bike with a stripped out pilot program/2070 tech, you instantly bypass the possibility of things going "wrong" with the gremlins flaw. It'd be similar to an extent as a mage who takes the sensitive system flaw and never gets/needs cyber/bioware. Free points for nothing, and that just won't fly here. All of our flaws are coming into play and having an impact on our characters.

That is the reasoning behind why we're not ok with taking the flaw with the way the character has been proposed in the thread, we're not opposed to the flaw in general, just this instance. Sure taking SOME precautions to avoid the gremlins penalties are understandable, however basically eliminating them all together is not. Hope that clears it up crystally for everyone.

QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Mar 15 2008, 06:33 PM) *
Well, not until NOW, it wasn't. Now I HAVE to include it. nyahnyah.gif

Any ruling on what skill governs construction equipment?

pilot groundcraft to drive, industrial engineering to build stuff with it (unless you're building weapons/armor/vehicles/something that needs artisan skill/etc).

or at least, that's the closest thing to rules i can find on it (basically borrowing from the remote control option for controlling drones, which basically says you use command (which replaces all attributes) + appropriate skill to do something. so you would use attribute + pilot skill to drive the vehicle from place to place, and you would use attribute industrial engineering to actually build anything with it, is how i would interpret things.
sure, whatever, apparently giving up any possibility of hacking anything, using any kind of cool shadowrun tech, using any number of cool weapons, taking penalties on building stuff because he's using inadequate tools, etc... all that isn't an effect? you don't perceive any drawbacks to that? he doesn't dare touch a commlink to get a plan for building stuff, which means he's not only giving up a bonus for having an AR plan, he's taking a penalty equal to log - 5 to his building test. he's sacrificing the incredible utility of having a smartgun linked via DNI, he's giving up instant communication with the gang, he's giving up the ability to use the matrix to communicate with his contacts, he's giving up the ability to even try such simple tasks as searching the matrix for information, he's giving up all kinds of skillsofts... and none of that qualifies as impacting him?

i mean, don't get me wrong, if the GM (team) says no to something, then that's fine within your game. but don't tell me that mechanic is *not* impacting the character mechanically when i am ignoring character options that would make the concept more mechanically powerful.

Ok, the answer is No.

Lets move on to more productive work.

Except he's NOT giving that up by force, but by CHOICE to avoid being plagued by the gremlins flaw as written. I'm not saying it doesn't give him a huge disadvantage.. but in no way does the flaw state that you HAVE to give up the tech.. your character is CHOOSING to so to keep himself from breaking things, having them explode, backfire or whatever. But the way you're writing him up he's never going to have to worry about the flaw affecting him as written, if he never picks up 2070 SOTA tech in any way shape or form it's not the flaw but almost something different like Slip originally suggested along the lines of having an almost phobic sense towards it.

I (we) aren't trying to doubly penalize you... I do understand that it does disadvantage the character to do what you're talking about. I was just trying to point out how we were viewing the situation given what you have told us about the character and how he goes about avoiding high-tech/SOTA.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Mar 15 2008, 07:14 PM) *
sure, whatever, apparently giving up any possibility of hacking anything, using any kind of cool shadowrun tech, using any number of cool weapons, taking penalties on building stuff because he's using inadequate tools, etc... all that isn't an effect? you don't perceive any drawbacks to that? he doesn't dare touch a commlink to get a plan for building stuff, which means he's not only giving up a bonus for having an AR plan, he's taking a penalty equal to log - 5 to his building test. he's sacrificing the incredible utility of having a smartgun linked via DNI, he's giving up instant communication with the gang, he's giving up the ability to use the matrix to communicate with his contacts, he's giving up the ability to even try such simple tasks as searching the matrix for information, he's giving up all kinds of skillsofts... and none of that qualifies as impacting him?

i mean, don't get me wrong, if the GM (team) says no to something, then that's fine within your game. but don't tell me that mechanic is *not* impacting the character mechanically when i am ignoring character options that would make the concept more mechanically powerful.

ok then, so what do you want next? from what i gather, apart from gremlins, you like the rough sketch, but i assume there is more that needs to be done, otherwise you would have presumably just told me to remove gremlins. you need a bit more detail in the backstory, or are you waiting on me to put some numbers to this guy? or is there something more?
well, while i worked a bit on Will in my free time i stumbled over a few things.

Would it be much of a problem to let him start with an Actioneer Business Suit? Compared with the all time favourite the lined coat it is actually a bit worse, apart from the availability 8. Alternatively i could work with Armored Clothing in the fashion of a smart suit.

And, does being a wanted criminal already constitute for having the Criminal SINner flaw? On the one hand he never actually spent time behind bars (yet), on the other i am not too sure if he could comfortably go around buying cigarettes and paying bus fares with it.

And as a third strike, i figured that the violent nature of his awakening might leave a permanent mark on his aura and result in the Astral Beacon flaw, i just wondered if it is a "valid" flaw for this campaign.

Backstory is a plus. We need to try to catch each other online (Slip, myself and WR) and do more discussion on your guy. Hopefully we can give you an answer ASAP.

1) Yes it is a problem, availability is capped at 6 for magically active characters. Period, no fudging the one item up to Avail. 12 is for MUNDANE characters only. No actioneer business suit.
2) No, it's not the same thing, especially if you're not wanted by the police. Just because you're a "wanted man" by some organization (like the old SR3 enemies/hunted flaws) doesn't mean you've got the Criminal SIN if you haven't done time for the crime (in my eyes at least) Having a legal SIN however is potentially a vaild flaw and if you get caught you could very likely end up with a Criminal SIN and end up in jail if you're wanted by the cops smile.gif
3) Don't care. Do if it you want. You'll be a BIGGER target for the UVN's first volleys that way nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Neuntöter @ Mar 15 2008, 05:48 PM) *
And as a third strike, i figured that the violent nature of his awakening might leave a permanent mark on his aura and result in the Astral Beacon flaw, i just wondered if it is a "valid" flaw for this campaign.

No problem with it here. Seems perfectly valid to me.
Eyeless Blond
So, is my new concept all right? Still working on the little guy's details, but I'm wondering if I should bother, or go back to the drawing board?
Sparky - Pilot Ground Craft (Construction Equipment)

And don't give me any of that 'oh now I have to add the chainsaw' spiel. Every ganger character I've seen you make has had a monofilament chainsaw. Now I'm supposed to believe this one was going to be any different?! nyahnyah.gif

Ikim -
Alright, Male Bunraku puppet it is. I'll modify the background/concept this weekend. So... GM/staff doesn't mind that if I use this story to give him some reasonable cyber/biowares?

It depends entirely on what you consider reasonable. But yes, it does explain some types of cyber/bio, as long as its within the predefined restrictions in the Character Creation rules.

Dantic -
One question about gear. I bought inline skates for Twiggs, they are from Arsenal pg. 62, I'd rather have a skateboard, or skimmerboard with tech similar to skimmer disk available as cyber in Augmentation pg 47. I figure a skateboard would be cheaper maybe the same 100 nuyen.gif as inline skates with the same basic stats of one and one-half movement, where skimmer tech would probably be 3000 nuyen.gif or so with an avail around 6, and movment like the cyber of two times movement. Also a skateboard could be used as an improvised club weapon.

If you want a skateboard, same cost and stats as the inline skates works fine for me.

Whipstich - You can have a Mentor Spirit as an Adept.

Re Gremlins: I don’t want to beat the point to death, and I appreciate your willingness to go along with the GM Staff’s ruling. However, I want to clarify the issue from our point of view isn’t the Gremlins flaw specifically, it’s how it interacts with the rest of your character.

For a simplified example, if you had a hacker who had gremlins, you’d have no questions from us. It would be approved no problem.

However, your low-tech weaponsmith will never be affected by it, as you’ve written him. Therefore, the only way it could possibly be a problem for you is if you screwed up your teammates’ stuff.

That’s one problem we have with it; it’s only good at screwing over your allies, so why would they want you onboard?

You’ve carefully addressed that by saying he will never touch his teammates’ stuff, but then if that’s the case, it doesn’t negatively affect anyone. So how is something that has no negative a flaw?

Your counterargument is essentially:

giving up any possibility of hacking anything, using any kind of cool shadowrun tech, using any number of cool weapons, taking penalties on building stuff because he's using inadequate tools, etc... all that isn't an effect? you don't perceive any drawbacks to that? he doesn't dare touch a commlink to get a plan for building stuff, which means he's not only giving up a bonus for having an AR plan, he's taking a penalty equal to log - 5 to his building test. he's sacrificing the incredible utility of having a smartgun linked via DNI, he's giving up instant communication with the gang, he's giving up the ability to use the matrix to communicate with his contacts, he's giving up the ability to even try such simple tasks as searching the matrix for information, he's giving up all kinds of skillsofts... and none of that qualifies as impacting him?

In another shadowrun game, I might agree with you. To some extent, limiting an ability/advantage/opportunity a character would normally have is a flaw, much like a geas limits a magician’s ability to do something he would normally be able to do, except now he can’t, in certain circumstances.

The problem with your argument is it overlooks the nature of our game. Not having any of the options you listed above is normal for denizens of Kingsgate.

Your character not having any of those opportunities does not put him at a relative disadvantage because everyone else in our little world is in the exact same boat. So no, none of your examples qualifies as impacting him, because everyone else is laboring under the same problems already. Lacking all of the things you listed is the default condition. Thus anyone who has any of those things is at an advantage relative to everyone else, because unlike a traditional shadowrun game, not having those things is the rule, not the exception.

Your use of Legion’s daylight geas is therefore flawed, because unlike everyone else, Legion actively loses something during the daylight. He cannot do what he would normally do, which is a disadvantage. Furthermore, not being able to operate in daylight at maximum capacity is a disadvantage relative to everyone else in the game world, most of whom have no such problems. Finally, for him to choose not to act in daylight is a possibility, but a significantly less viable and significantly more problematic option than your surrendering all the ‘high-tech’ stuff SR has to offer, since as I stated above, that’s already the default condition for people in our game.

In a world where a baseball bat and a bad attitude is a viable arsenal, and the wireless network is completely subject to the whims of fate (read: rely on it and I guarantee you’ll get hammered for doing so), lacking access to technology is not a disadvantage.

I bring all this up because the larger issue is the flaws you’ve proposed to replace Gremlins, such as Spirit Bane, Simsense Vertigo, and Sensitive System, demonstrate a similar disconnect with what we consider a flaw.

Spirit Bane is rarely likely to be a problem in our game, given the relative lack of magical opposition, but depending on what type of spirit you pick, I may consider this.

Simsense Vertigo simply isn’t a flaw for your character concept, and Sensitive System isn’t either, for the same reasons as Gremlins.

How often will your character use Simsense in situation that matters, even without Gremlins? Simply put, for your character concept he won’t. What is he going to do, try to use AR or VR to help him Build a Better Tomahawk?

Your character will almost never use AR, VR, or Simsense in a situation in which having a -2 will be an issue in any way, shape, or form, and when he does experience the penalty, it will not be in a situation in which failure creates any kind of genuine problem. So I fail to see how this is a valid flaw.

Sensitive System for a character with no cyber, is extremely unlikely to ever be in a position to afford any cyber at all, let alone any cyber that would cause this flaw to have a material impact, is not a flaw either. Basically, it costs you twice as much essence if you want to buy something you can’t afford, that you won’t have the opportunity to get, and can’t obtain in a large enough volume (Essence Cost). Again, functionally you will not have any drawbacks from this flaw.

The overarching problem the GM Staff has with Gremlins (and your proposed replacements) is that for your character concept, they simply do not have any drawbacks. Your character concept has been built in a way to circumvent any of those flaws having any material impact.

Now if Blade was a hacker, I would allow Simsense Vertigo, Gremlins, and probably even Sensitive System, because there is no question for that concept, any or all of those is a problem.

So the issue as it stands is not any particular flaw, it’s how you are trying to build them into your character in a way that prevents them from actually being flaws.

That is the root of our problem with Gremlins, and as long as you attempt to take that approach that will be our problem will any flaw you take.

Therefore, as far as what we need from Blade, it’s not necessarily the character concept or the flaws we have an issue with. In fact I think you’ve provide a solid amount of detail on him so far, although I’d have to discuss with the others how much more, if any, additional information we want.

Our issue is the disconnect in your understanding of what a flaw is with ours, and how we expect flaws to interact with character concepts. Until we can get that straightened out, there’s no point moving forward, because any numbers you come up with on your character sheet will be rejected because the flaws you take won’t be ones we will grant you BP for.

I hope that clarifies our position and rationale on our rulings so you can understand where we’re coming from, adjust accordingly, and we can move you on with the recruitment process! smile.gif

QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ Mar 15 2008, 10:32 PM) *
Sparky - Pilot Ground Craft (Construction Equipment)

And don't give me any of that 'oh now I have to add the chainsaw' spiel. Every ganger character I've seen you make has had a monofilament chainsaw. Now I'm supposed to believe this one was going to be any different?! nyahnyah.gif

WELL! The reason I kept taking it was because I've never gotten to USE it. I have yet to exorcise that particular chargen demon. It's a withered, whimpy demon now, and the angel on my other shoulder keeps pointing out the passage in the Gear section where a chainsaw has a -2 to the skill DP because it's 'awkward.' I mean, wth is Exotic Melee Weapon for if not to take that sort of thing into account? Seriously. smile.gif Anyway, we'll see... we'll just see.
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