Ok heres the new history hehe. And I wanted to just go ahead and put a preliminary character sheet out there, to avoid any potential problems that may arise with my equipment.
Sly, 3.0
[ Spoiler ]
Appearance: Standing at just over 1.4 meters tall, and weighing in at a little under 50 kg, Sly is a small, slender elf with typical elven charm (although any elf would tell you he was ugly). He normally wears dull, indistinguishable black clothing covered by a lined coat when he's not sporting his Chammy suit. Quiet, yes. Withdrawn, certainly. But when he speaks, its usually worth it to listen, because he doesn't waste his time.
To be determined. Definately a ruger 100 with an external smartgun system, as well as a chameleon suit.
Skillz: Obviously from the name, Sly has a fairly good handle on stealth skills, BnE skills, and running-away skills. He's also an fair sniper\shotgunner and he knows a lot of debateably useful stuff. I mean, living in Kingsgate, who REALLY needs to ask someone where the local crooks hang out?
History:Some kids have it easy, with loving parents and a family that cares about them. Some kids have abusive families, with parents that beat the shit out of them. Given the choice, Sly would have taken the second option. See, Sly never knew his parents, they were gunned down when he was three. It was simply a matter of wrong place, wrong end of a shadowrunner's bullet hose.
So they did what they do with all the SINless babies nobody wants: they stuck him in an orphanage. Unfortunately, or perhaps you could say fortunately for him, Sly (dubbed John Abraham Steele) was small, and in an orphanage with over a hundred other children that meant he got the shit end of the stick. He grew up on little to no food, since there wasn't enough to go around and the others beat him up for his. It became apparent that he needed to become better at them.
By the age of five, John had become adjusted to the new life, and hated every minute of it. No warm, caring mother was there to hold him at night, and there was no father to teach him the ways of baseball, and riding of bikes. They didn't even have a TV. Somewhere out there, he just knew it, kids were having a great time without him. So he did what any normal kid would do when locked away for two years... he tried to escape. Except unbeknownst to him, the orphanage was collecting a nice little government grant check for him, and of course they couldn't just let their stipend walk out the door.
That day was the worst day of his life, and at the same time it changed him. Scolded, spanked, and sent to bed with no supper, John still managed to steal some food from one of the other kids. It was in that moment he decided that he could either be small and weak, or he could use his smallness to his advantage. Being small meant he could go places and do things the bigger kids couldn't do, and so he learned all he could about that.
John waited, and he practised sneaking up on people, and one day, about 3 years later, his chance came. There was a big inspection lady coming down, she did it every year to "check on things". John hated her, she asked all sorts of questions like how he was doing and then when he told her she just laughed and patted his head. At least she gave him a lolly. Anyways, this time was different, because he saw that they changed the bedsheets every time she came. John was smart, and earned his nickname by hiding in the bedsheets which were taken outside to a cleaning place. By the time they figured out he was missing, John was long gone.
The next phase of his life was by far rougher than the previous, but it was there he learned most of his life skills. The streets were a lot different than he thought, but John adapted better than most with his keen intellect. He quickly learned that as long as he didn't get caught, stores were a great place to get free food. And he didn't get caught very often. So for awhile, he ate well, even though he had to keep to the sewers to avoid being caught.
Maybe he was too successful, or maybe he was just naiive. Either way, one day on the way back from one of his gathering sessions, a couple of hoods were waiting for him at his place. Somehow they'd tracked down all the goodies he'd been stealing and found his little stash. Well now, they weren't happy with someone else stealing stuff on their turf. He tried to fight back, but he was just too small to put up any resistance and got the crap kicked out of him. He learned just how unforgiving the streets can be.
As he grew up, life got more interesting. He learned a lot, and learned to stick up for himself, although not in the way most people would think. Sly learned that walking softly and carrying a big stick was often the way to gain at least some respect. And if people still messed with you, you could always steal their drek and disappear. During this time of his life, he fell in with the Brickhouse Boys, his talent for breaking and entering making him an instant hit with the Boys. He could get them into most cars, and was even good at breaking into houses and coming up with jewelery and other stuff to sell.
For the first time in his life, Sly had found somewhere he felt like he belonged. The Boys took care of him, and in turn he loved every one of them like a brother. It was sort of like the orphanage, but everybody got along. Sure there were fights here and there, and there was always another gang looking at what you got, but there was a sense of brotherhood, people looking out for each other. It was what he'd been looking for.
So he got really good at what he did. They liked cars, but he didn't really care for them. He could get them into almost anything though. He loved the thrill of climbing up the side of a building, gently cracking a window and easing himself through it, and taking the sweet, sweet valuables so carelessly displayed. And then one day he saw it, the most beautiful thing in his life. "It" being a fully-functional chameleon suit on display in a gun store in touristville. He'd just gone in to buy a new knife, but there it was, so lovely, calling his name.
He had to have it. So later that week, when the neighborhood was absolutely silent, he snuck back into the shop and went to work. When he was done, he came back to the BBHQ with an armload of guns, a shitty grin on his face, and wearing what is still today one of his most prized posessions, a Chameleon Suit. The suit was everything he'd ever hoped for, and allowed him to do things he'd never dreamed possible.
The next item he obtained was an old Ruger 100, one of the oldest, most worthless sniper rifles available, but it finally gave him what he'd been looking for: a way to fight without ever being seen. He can often be seen cradling his rifle, or polishing its various parts. He takes religious care of both items, often bringing them to the techie for a "checkup" as though they were living things and the techie was a doctor. All was good, he'd finally found someplace he belonged.
Of course, his luck just couldn't last. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, things he couldn't /even begin to anticipate. Red October was almost upon them, and it would be merciless. On that fateful night, Sly did his best to help his new friends out, but he just couldn't do anything but watch in dispair as his comrades were mowed down one by one by rival gang members. At the last moment, he managed to slip out into the sewers with his gear and somehow miraculously avoided being gunned down or blown up.
When the firing stopped, he was one of the first out of the wreckage, searching for any trace of his former friends. Unfortunately, he was one of the last to step into the light, as old fears remained set in. Currently he's looking for any sign of the old Brickhouse Boys, so he's near the old HQ. His commlink just started working again (for those PCs who might have known Sly from BB.)
Character Sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Name: "Sly"
Age: 19
Race: Elf 30BP
Starting Resources: 50,000 nuyen 20BP
Attributes: 170 BP
Body 3/20BP
Agility 7(10)/50BP
Reaction 4/30BP
Strength 1(4)/0BP
Charisma 3/0BP
Intuition 5/40BP
Logic 4/30BP
Willpower 1/0BP
Edge 1/0BP
Essence 3
Initiative 9
Active Skills: 120 BP
Athletics Group 1/4BP
Escape Artist 1/4BP
Infiltration 3/12BP
Shadowing 4/16BP
Palming(Shoplifting) 1(3)/6BP
Disguise(Camouflage) 1(3)/6BP
Dodge 3/12BP
Longarms 3/12BP
Locksmith 3/12BP
Hardware (Maglocks) 1(3)/6BP
Blades 3/12BP
Perception 3/12BP
Knowledge Skills:(27 free)
Crook Hangouts 3
Security Systems 3
Smuggling Routes 3
Security Companies 3
Firearms 3
Area Knowledge 3
Safehouses 3
Dealers 3
Liquor 3
Language Skills:
English Native
Qualities:(-30 BP)
Positive Qualities:(5 BP)
Home ground (free)
Astral Chameleon (5 BP)
Negative Qualities:(-35BP)
Addiction(Mild, Alcohol) ( -5BP)
Addiction(Mild, B&E) ( -5BP)
Spirit Bane (Guardian) (-10BP)
Low Pain Tolerance (-10BP)
Allergy Unc/Mild(CS\Tear Gas) ( -5BP)
Muscle Replacement (3), +3 Agi +3 Str
Total Cost: 15,000 nuyen
Total Essence Cost: 3.0
Gear (Cost/Avail)
Shock Gloves (200\3R)
Remington 990 (550\4R)
External Smartgun (400\4R)
Imaging Scope (300\5 )
+Vision Magnification(100\- )
100x Regular Ammo 10/c(2000\4R)
10x Gel Rounds (300\4R)
Survival Knife ( 50\- )
BnE\escape Gear
10x Flash Bang (300\6R)
10x Thermal Smoke (350\6R)
10x Nausea Gas (250\6R)
Flash-Pak (200\6R)
Lockpick Set (300\6R)
Sequencer (2) (400\6F)
Wire Clippers ( 25\- )
Rappelling Gloves ( 70\- )
Microwire (100m) ( 50\4 )
Glue Sprayer (150\2 )
+Flare Compensation ( 50\- )
Chisel ( 20\- )
Maglock Passkey (2) (4000\6R)
Chameleon Suit (8000\10R)
Subvocal Microphone (50\6 )
Tag Eraser (150\6F)
Other Gear
Glasses ( 25\6R)
+Image Link ( 25\- )
+Smartlink (500\- )
+Flare Compensation ( 50\- )
Binoculars (100\6 )
+Vision Enhancement 3(300\- )
+Flare Compensation ( 50\- )
Earbud ( 10\2 )
Audio Enhancement 3 (300\- )
Lined Coat (700\3 )
Commlink: Renraku Sensei(1250\-)
Mapsoft 3 (Kingsgate)( 15\- )
Maneuver (Spirit) 2 (400\4 )
Certified Credstick ( 25\- )
Flashlight ( 25\- )
Respirator 3 (300\6 )
Skinlink (50\- )
Honda Spirit (10000\- )
Pilot 2 autosoft (2000\6 )
8 Days of Squatter lifestyle (128\- )
Total Starting Resources: 50,000 nuyen
Total Cost of Cyberware: 15,000 nuyen
Total Cost of gear: 34,998 nuyen
Total Cash Left: 2
Hope this is a better history and hope the character sheet helps some. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as always ^_^
--edit-- Changed post to reflect Dantic's suggestions.