Mar 7 2008, 08:31 PM
I just had the SNES version which was just AD&D "Eye of the Beholder" where you actually get to fight a Beholder. It's a 12 floor dungeon crawl. It's kind of angering, but it's rewarding when you beat it. If you play it on PC, there's actually Eye of the Beholder I, II, and III. You can make a party in the first game, and when you win, transfer it to the second game, and then again into the third. But I haven't played the other two. But it does the dungeon crawl justice, and in fact is better than most D&D v3.5 games I have played in (in terms of imagination and stuff). The game is very hard, though.
Mar 7 2008, 09:13 PM
Yeah I remember playing those games when I was like 6. They were zawesome. I remember this one room full of loot, but if you went into it, the door behind sealed shut and you had to reload to a previous save cause there was absolutely no wait out. There was some message on the wall about greed or something.
Mar 7 2008, 10:25 PM
Sounds about right. That game was brutal. I played it off and on for years and only beat it for the first time about... 6 months ago.
Caine Hazen
Mar 8 2008, 12:49 AM
Actually the first 2 weren't bad playwise. The 2nd in fact had a "hack" for leveling up about the middle of the game. The 3rd one sucked though. I never got out of the graveyard/garden. got too frustrated to think about continuing.
Mar 8 2008, 02:04 AM
Love all the eye of the beholder games. Was presently suprised to find a NWN conversion will try to find it and link it.
Mar 8 2008, 02:18 AM
I remember seeing the NWN conversion on the internet.
I was just happy to finally beat the original one on SNES. I spent a good 40 hours to win.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 8 2008, 05:45 AM
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Mar 7 2008, 04:13 PM)
Yeah I remember playing those games when I was like 6. They were zawesome. I remember this one room full of loot, but if you went into it, the door behind sealed shut and you had to reload to a previous save cause there was absolutely no wait out. There was some message on the wall about greed or something.
Lame. The whole standby of fantasy is that there's always a way out of that sort of trap.
Mar 8 2008, 06:03 AM
There probably was some sort of way out of that trap, it was probably just well hidden. Usually something along the lines of secret push buttons on walls, or even walk-through walls. The game was notorious for that stuff.
there was a whole series of that style of game. for pure style, nothing beat Stone Prophet.
Mar 8 2008, 04:47 PM
QUOTE (Vegetaman @ Mar 8 2008, 01:03 AM)
There probably was some sort of way out of that trap, it was probably just well hidden. Usually something along the lines of secret push buttons on walls, or even walk-through walls. The game was notorious for that stuff.
I don't think so, the loot was game breaking. All you could do was stare at that +6 sword and stuff. Trust me, I spent a LOT of time analysing the 1x1 room. It was a greed trap.
Mar 8 2008, 06:56 PM
After some quick research I see that it was Eye of the Beholder II that had this "trap with no way out". Saddenning.
Mar 8 2008, 07:21 PM
I remember playing Eye of the Beholder III on my old 486 pc back in `93. Good game, impossible to finish. Super-hard. Still, I think I'll go start up the old emulator right now as the snow buries me alive
Mar 8 2008, 09:07 PM
Yeah, I definitely intend to get my hands on these three games (they're probably Abandonware by now), since I actually own the legit 5 and 1/4 inch floppies, and play through them all from start to finish with one team. Definitely a time consuming undertaking; much moreso than Diablo.
Mar 8 2008, 09:31 PM
Personally loved EOTB3 even tho it was incredibly hard
but for gridbased dungeon adventures personally Bloodwych, never got through the teleporter traps at the end
Mar 8 2008, 09:37 PM
QUOTE (Velocity219e @ Mar 8 2008, 03:31 PM)
Personally loved EOTB3 even tho it was incredibly hard
but for gridbased dungeon adventures personally Bloodwych, never got through the teleporter traps at the end
I loved the first one, if only for the epic ending if you got the special quest item when you went against the final boss.
I must've played the game a dozen times and only had gotten down to the fourth floor. And the game just gets insanely hard from there on out.
Mar 14 2008, 04:33 PM
Eye of the Beholder isn't that hard. It just requires a great deal of patience and map-memorization. One of my favorite things about the game engine was how mages were totally useless as anything but knife throwers due to the fact that it takes so long to go through the magic menu that most monsters will have killed your front party before you've even selected a spell. It is a little better on the PC, but totally brutal to spellcasters on the SNES. I also liked how sidestepping and ranged combat made the 18 dexterity halfling thief who slings +4 rocks from the back row the most powerful character in the game. When the front-row humans are almost dead you can just hang but and let Mr. Stone hurler take down the monsters, so long as there is space to maneuver. This don't work in tiny narrow hallways. It was funny how it was almost impossible to kill the beholder using the plot-device anti-beholder wand but the stone-slinging thief could easily take it out without receiving any damage simply by sidestepping his eye beams.
Mar 15 2008, 10:59 AM
Reminds me of the excellent D&D Beat-them-all by Capcom. The thief had a sling and her shot pattern was something like 'shoot-pause-shoot-pause-shoot-shoot-shoot' with a "burst fire" at the end. Each time the enemy was struck he was stopped for a second or so. With other players and good coordination, you could have two (or even 4) thieves shooting their burst one after the other so that the enemy couldn't move. Theoretically you could kill bosses this way, but it wasn't that easy to pull off.
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