Mar 7 2008, 09:10 PM
So is anyone else unfortunate enough to live near Columbus, Ohio, and planning to go to Marcon? It's good times; last year I picked a fight with a squad full of dudes in stormtrooper uniforms, and drunkenly pushed their officer around on the 30th anniversary of Star Wars!
Caine Hazen
Mar 7 2008, 10:18 PM
Always thought about going, since I could do it as a day trip, but was always too near the Origins expenditures. I should try and make more Cons out that way since its not a long trip though
Mar 9 2008, 01:19 PM
I won't be able to attend this year, but I've had fun running SR there the last two years. The totally free gaming and free admissions for GMs was quite a deal considering their actual admission costs.
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