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Here is a link to a interesting weapon, shows that firing around corners can be done and easily
I think I speak for many when I say:

Most Useless Weapon. EVAR.

it's interesting, but not very practical.
QUOTE (Fix-it @ Mar 13 2008, 08:53 AM) *
I think I speak for many when I say:

Most Useless Weapon. EVAR.

it's interesting, but not very practical.

The size & weight of an assault rifle, firepower of a 4" 9mm pistol... what's not to like? </sarcasm>

I can maybe see it being used as a pointman gun in a SWAT team. Though, if SWAT is shooting from ambush, they will probably use something less-lethal like a tazer.

I really think a camera on a Picatinny rail would be more practical.

edit: BTW, nice avatar... smile.gif
Read further, there is a Grenade Launcher Version in production.

I you may not have seen the test weapons for the Future Soldier Program, the Weapon there is about the size of a M-60, yes it can look and fire around corners too.

But like the Elephant which is a Mouse built to Military Standards. grinbig.gif

I have seen the rifles for the Future Soldier program. I do remember the thermal scope the size of a thermos. Such is the way of real life prototypes. Only in movies are prototypes sleek, reliable and easy to use.

Many combat rifles already have a laser and light on them. I am picturing the addition of a similar camera to what CornerShot uses.

Even better, check out the ParaScope Urban Combat Sight. No batteries to run out, no electronics to break, and you put it on any weapon with a sight rail.
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Mar 13 2008, 01:55 PM) *
Even better, check out the ParaScope Urban Combat Sight. No batteries to run out, no electronics to break, and you put it on any weapon with a sight rail.

muuch better. price is steep, but I'm assuming they are custom made to-order.

and if I'm reading those specs right...

(and I'd like to think that I am)

you can add this on to any scope/reflex sight you want?

EDIT: oh, and they need to put folding covers over the damn lenses. unless those things are sapphire, they are gonna get scratched to hell.
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