Does anyone know if there are PDFs I can buy of the Shadowrun Companion (Second and Third Ed)? I am looking to make a database of older edges and flaws translated in our house rules.
IIRC, there weren't any qualities in the SR2 version that didn't make it into SR3.
Its been a loooong time. Five jobs two kids and two houses but here are some I thought were only in the second Ed book. SOTA (buy higher rated gear) Registered Gear
The Stainless Steel Rat
Apr 2 2008, 08:44 PM
"At ease"?
I think that's what it was called - gave social bonuses (-2 IIRC) because you were good at looking like you "belonged there" or some such. No rules against it stacking with "Good Looking and Knows It" for a total bonus of -3/-4 to all social interactions. Busted!
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