Up for bid in this auction are four assorted books for role playing games. Based on the game Dungeon and Dragons. They are printed by Shadowrun. They are: BOTTLED DEMON #7305 1990 DRAGON HUNT #7307 1991 ELVEN FIRE #7310 1992 IVY CHROME #7311 1991.
Based on D&D and printed by Shadowrun???? cool it must be a new game have to check it out!!!!
Dec 5 2003, 05:59 AM
I'd be inclined to believe that the seller meant that role-playing games are based on D&D. Be that as it may, if you want a Shadowrun D&D adventure, pick up DNA/DOA.
Dec 5 2003, 06:09 AM
Got it
Dec 5 2003, 06:13 AM
Most of the books listed in your first post are worth picking up, depending on the price of course.
I have no interest seeing as i have all the first and all but 2 or 3 second and most of third or at least i will have most of third seeing as 4 books just appeared under the tree.
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