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Full Version: Arthur C. Clarke has died
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Patrick Goodman
Not quite sure where to post this, but I think it has some relevence to the forums. Arthur C. Clarke has died at the age of 90. Read about it here.
May his excellent stories ever be made into horrible movies.
first gygax, now clark, i dread thinking about who is next...
Probably Pratchett, seeing as he just had a stroke.
QUOTE (Fix-it @ Mar 19 2008, 01:00 AM) *
Probably Pratchett, seeing as he just had a stroke.

As far as I know, TP hasn't had a 'proper' stroke, but has been diagnosed with a rare for of Alzheimer's [which caused a 'phantom stroke'].
Dave Stevens, creator of The Rocketeer, died of complications from leukemia at age 52 on the 11th.

it's the "3 deaths" thing
Kyoto Kid
...yet another SF Icon and visionary has passed.

Raise the glasses mates.
I thought 2010 was a great movie.

2001 was a great film. when mentioning it one time with my husband's fmaily I said I suspected that the last 20 minutes only really really worked if you were stoned. Then his uncle said something like "It was the only way to see it."

Not only did I do a double take but so did his 20 something daughter.
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Mar 22 2008, 12:04 PM) *
I thought 2010 was a great movie.

2001 was a great film. when mentioning it one time with my husband's fmaily I said I suspected that the last 20 minutes only really really worked if you were stoned. Then his uncle said something like "It was the only way to see it."

Not only did I do a double take but so did his 20 something daughter.

I agree with your Uncle. grinbig.gif

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