This is a San Mateo area game looker for players. We have a handful and would love to have up to three more.
Frequency: Every other week.
When: Saturdays 5:30-11:00, with the eleven being a sharp cutoff.
Setting: Seattle, 2070ish.
Where: GM's place
Seriousness Level: Low, but just above goofy. On average at least. Sometimes the metaplanes require goofy. Sometimes the plans require a strong sense of goofy.
Rules Mastery: Medium to low.
Style: GM grew up with Shadowrun. If you know 1st and 2nd ed think that style. If you don't think more dystopia, fewer people on the planet, powerful NAN.
Bribes: The group really likes Buffalo Bleu Krinkle Kut Chips from Kettle, Dark Chocolate M&Ms and Pineapple Salsa from Trader Joe's.
PM me to arrange a meet in a public place prior to the first game. The meet is designed to see if play styles and interests will match up.