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Full Version: Peninsula Shadowrun
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
This is a San Mateo area game looker for players. We have a handful and would love to have up to three more.

Frequency: Every other week.
When: Saturdays 5:30-11:00, with the eleven being a sharp cutoff.
Setting: Seattle, 2070ish.
Where: GM's place
Seriousness Level: Low, but just above goofy. On average at least. Sometimes the metaplanes require goofy. Sometimes the plans require a strong sense of goofy.
Rules Mastery: Medium to low.
Style: GM grew up with Shadowrun. If you know 1st and 2nd ed think that style. If you don't think more dystopia, fewer people on the planet, powerful NAN.
Bribes: The group really likes Buffalo Bleu Krinkle Kut Chips from Kettle, Dark Chocolate M&Ms and Pineapple Salsa from Trader Joe's.

PM me to arrange a meet in a public place prior to the first game. The meet is designed to see if play styles and interests will match up.
Wow. Lots of DS lurkers in my area. If you have not already contacted me, we don't have any room for more players. That doesn't mean we shouldn't get together and talk Shadowrun. I am still interested in meeting runners.
You never know when folks will move away, meet long lost loves, or have the wife pull them out of gaming.
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