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Full Version: Faction ratings - known or unknown
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Hey folks, just about to start up a SR Missions campaign in a few weeks. Had a question - is the characters' Facion ratings supposed to be known to the players, or unknown? I don't remember it saying in the description of Faction, so I thought I would ask here. I am leaning towards it being known - I am sure the players would hear through various contacts and friends if the Mafia was out to get them, or whatever, but I wanted to know if there is an official ruling - or even just how it was run in your own campaigns.
As the faction rating is noted on each of the Mission logs, I have always run it as something that is known to the Player and the Character. In game, the character knows when they've pushed enough buttons with the Vory that there will be no chance of redemption and when they are basically a made-man with the Triad.
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