Dec 7 2003, 03:17 AM
I have 2-3 players, I and one other can GM, although finding a GM would be great because playing is more fun for me and my friend.
We play
Shadowrun 3rd ed
Varios white wolf games.
Deadlands also exepted.
And if i could find a hunter the reckoning game to play in id crap myslef.
I have no car, so i cant go to far. but the city is the city and busses are cheap.
Dec 7 2003, 03:32 PM
did i mention there will be punch and pie? and hookers?
okay so no punch or pie but there is most definatly beer.. word to the wise i dont give beer to kiddies.
Dec 16 2003, 11:17 AM
no one? anyone?
Dec 16 2003, 11:38 AM
Might help if you said which city.... I'm guessing Tacoma, but not particularly obvious.... plus it could take a day or two to get the answers you want... hell I've had posts up for 2 weeks before someone replied.... these requests for player locations don't always get read that often *8-<
But the answer will come *8->
Dec 17 2003, 12:32 AM
Actually, just in San Francisco, CA, 94109
On the outer edge of the Tenderloin. So you wont get mugged out here....... but the hookers around the corner ......they aint chicks so dont even think about it.
Dec 17 2003, 07:24 AM
*8-> Class unfortuneately I'm a UKer so.... bit outta the way *8-> ah well good luck in the player hunt!
Playing Games
Dec 18 2003, 05:52 AM
As soon,as school starts up again,and grant money starts flowing,I will be willing and able to go up to the city.
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