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Full Version: Uh, Search won't let me search "Deus Ex"
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Wounded Ronin
The search engine won't let me run a search on Deus Ex! It is telling me that the search terms are too short. This is frustrating, though, because I know people have posted about Deus Ex in the past on this forum.
tell me about it. I went through a rather frusterating search for Dumpshock's IRC channel yesterday, because IRC has only 3 letters.
Wounded Ronin;#entry672295

I wanna link to the old thread where we discussed a system for having destructive alcoholism repair bullet holes. But it doesn't wanna search "Deus Ex malt liquor vomit".
Not that I don't agree that it's a problem, but "Deus malt liquor vomit" is at most going to introduce a small number of additional threads about particularly strange Arcology runs into your results.

Wounded Ronin
Why won't the search engine treat "Deus Ex", as opposed to "Deus" AND "Ex", as one 7-character string?
Because it sucks?

Like I say, I'm not defending the search engine, just saying that your example doesn't actually highlight the drawbacks effectively (well, ok, it does demonstrate a situation in which you need to remove a desired search term from an otherwise-valid search string to get it to not choke) because of how easy it is to make a search string that does work.

However, trying to find the thread that was about 'Top ten spells' is a total bastard, because searching for spells is a one way track to failtown.

Ps, if someone can tell me how to find that thread, I am actually looking.
This is a top 5 thread, maybe it's what you were thinking of.

No, thats not the one, it was definitely top ten lists frown.gif There were a couple of really great posts about what was the criteria for a great spell for a mage, why it is important for them not to be replaceable with physicl effects etc.

Grr. Thanks anyway though.
I believe the thread entitled Spell Selections is the one you are seeking. wink.gif

I found it by searching for "Detect Life", because I knew without a doubt that that FrankTrollman listed that spell in the thread, but would get fewer hits than some of the other spells I might have chosen. biggrin.gif
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