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Full Version: Old Runner in a new Sprawl (Wichita, KS)
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Hoi, Chummers!

My Dossier:
I am uprooting from the central Indiana town I have lived in most of my life and am moving 700 miles to Wichita, KS very soon. (Getting married!) I've been playing and running RPGs for 20+ years, pretty much soley running Shadowrun since 3rd Ed. came out back in '98. I switched to SR4 a couple years ago.

Basically, I am looking for fellow mature gamers to invite me to their table. I am male, 39, clean and neat, not a rules lawyer and I will provide my medical history if needed. nyahnyah.gif I've been on Dumpshock for a couple years now. I've regularly attended Gencon since the early 90's.

In the past, I have played loads of AD&D, 1st and 2nd editions, personally running the Forgotten Realms for yeeeeaaaars until I switched to SR. I have played long campaigns in Star Wars by WEG (D6) and some Space 1889. I ran a bit of Serenity:The Roleplaying game.

My Gear:
I own all the books for SR3 and SR4 and a huge selection of stuff from the first two editions.

I also own:
  • AD&D 2nd Edition core books and many, many books for the Forgotten Realms setting
  • the core books+ others for Star Wars by West End Games (D6)
  • the original main book for Star Wars D20 (tho' I have never played D20 and have no idea if that is for the current gaming system)
  • the PHB, DMG and Monster Manual 3.5 for AD&D 3rd Ed. (Never used)
  • the core books for Serenity: The Roleplaying Game
  • I believe I have the main book for old Space 1889 (and, if not, would be completely willing to purchase! I loved that game!)
  • my own massive collection of dice nyahnyah.gif

I also play and have:
  • the original Axis and Allies board game (2nd edition rules, I believe)
  • the A&A: Pacific board game
  • the Shogun (now called Samurai Swords) boardgame
My Final Pathetic Pitch:
So, basically, there you have it: A 20+ year veteren roleplayer who is gonna be a stranger in a strange land in a month or so. I love to play and have done so regularly for all that time. I am gonna miss my gaming pals, the same ones for the majority of that time. I don't know what my schedule will look like yet, but I would love to make contact with players who like to have fun and play on at least a semi-regular basis. I am open to trying out new games, but I am really partial to SR3 & SR4, old Star Wars and old AD&D. I dabbled online with the old Vampire Masquerade stuff years ago, but I never found it too enjoyable. I believe I may still own the original books.

I also really enjoy playing the strategic boardgames I listed above, and do so regularly.

If you are interested at all in the possibility of me joining your games (or even sweet-talking me into GMing you for a change) post here. I imagine I would even be up for travelling a good hour out of town for a regular game. If you have any questions, please, fire away!

Did you just call Wichita a sprawl?
QUOTE (Aaron @ Apr 29 2008, 11:00 PM) *
Did you just call Wichita a sprawl?

Oh sure, she ain't much to look at now, but jsut wait until 2070! You noticed there's no source book on her yet... well, what do you think the super secret book that CGL has due out later this year is gonna be on? *gives a knowing look* Yup.

Now, I am not at liberty to say anything... too many careers would be at stake over this... but, let's jsut say I know a guy that knows a guy that says it's gonna be...big. Earth shattering big.

Aww. So close, yet so far. You're just under 3 hours east of Raavek and I in Kansas City, Mo.

Bah. frown.gif
QUOTE (Damatory @ May 1 2008, 03:10 AM) *
Aww. So close, yet so far. You're just under 3 hours east of Raavek and I in Kansas City, Mo.

Bah. frown.gif

Yeah, I noticed where Raavek was located when I commented on a thread of his a day or two ago. And that was what went through my mind: "Damn...sooo....close...but.. noooo, I can't drive 5 hours a day for a game." (And really, I think of it as more "South" than "West."

I've driven through/around KC soooo many times over the last three years. I was jsut out your way last at the beginning of March. I've spent the last couple years up in Lawrence, KS at a B&B with my fiance' for NYE.

Hey, maybe you guys know: are there any decent smaller gaming conventions close to KC or Wichita annually? I might be interested in getting up to those since I think my Gencon days are gonna be over for a little while. (Getting married and there's two kids involved. wink.gif )

So far, I've found one comic shop/gaming shop, Agents, in Wichita. But, they look liek they play a lot of Warhammer, Heroclix and Magic the Gathering. And their selection of RPG stuff appears very limited. I did see some A&A games are played there on Saturdays or Sundays.

Actually, I jsut went to their website and the A&A games seem to have disappeared. Now it's all card and collecting type games every day of the week. *sigh*

I suggest infiltrating their ranks and slowly twisting them to the darkside of SR as it were. Though a stronger argument can be made of it as a lightside. Collectible games ruin lives!!! Just look at WoW wink.gif
Oh I meant West of us in the prior post, however yeah you're right, it is rather southwest.

I'm sorry though, I don't know of any places near you that may hold games.
I know that none of the local hobby shops in my area are active with SR, even though most of the people at said venues admit to have played SR at some time or another.

I may know of a way of helping you to locate some people near you though.
I learned of at least 4 new comic/hobby stores in my area by searching for events in my community on the wizkids site for local heroclix tournaments. None of the ones I know of through there play SR, however, most did play D&D. At least searching that way finds more local places that are known to hold fellow gamers, some of which may play SR.

Just a thought. smile.gif

RPG's do tend to be a little taboo for the average widwest country bumpkin though, it's sad really.
Well, I am finally out here in Wichita (actually it's been two weeks.) I am starting to get settled in and am interested in meeting some fellow runners. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

QUOTE (vladski @ May 1 2008, 07:57 AM) *
So far, I've found one comic shop/gaming shop, Agents, in Wichita. But, they look liek they play a lot of Warhammer, Heroclix and Magic the Gathering. And their selection of RPG stuff appears very limited. I did see some A&A games are played there on Saturdays or Sundays.

Seems like the kiddies make up most of the player base there. I think Drogos has it right: put in some time and your investment will eventually mature.
As for local gaming conventions, there are several. Check out, they should have links to a few, including their local one, ShaunCon, held the weekend before Thanksgiving.

I have been living in Wichita since 2004 and I must admit that the SR pickings are slim here. I have one group that I try to game with regularly but I am still trying to convince them to play anything besides D&D 3.5. If you are looking to start a group that plays semi-regular than I would be happy to assist in the endeavor.

there's another long lived establishment there in wichita called Prairie Dog Comics. The staffs been damn helpful to me since I started gaming and collecting comics about 15 years ago. Agents has all ways been geared more toward the gaming industry, focusing on miniatures, but Prairie Dog gets it's fare share of gamers as well.
i know it was located at ridge road and tyler but moved about year or so ago to west street i believe. i could be wrong about it's current location (been thrown to the four winds by the military so i hacen't been around lately...). anyways I still a few good ol' chummers of mine that pick up books there... I guess it couldn't hurt to check it out and ask around.
QUOTE (Valentinew @ Jun 26 2008, 10:15 AM) *
As for local gaming conventions, there are several. Check out, they should have links to a few, including their local one, ShaunCon, held the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Hoi! Sorry to reply so late to your post. Been settling in here in KS, getting used to family life and all that. Thanks for the recommendation about ShaunCon. I'll definitely be looking into that.

QUOTE (ravensoracle @ Aug 3 2008, 11:21 PM) *
I have been living in Wichita since 2004 and I must admit that the SR pickings are slim here. I have one group that I try to game with regularly but I am still trying to convince them to play anything besides D&D 3.5. If you are looking to start a group that plays semi-regular than I would be happy to assist in the endeavor.

When I get a more defined schedule, I may jsut have to make an attempt to get together with you and any of your chummers that are interested in playing SR. As I said in the post above: Sorry about it taking so long to get back to you! Did the late summer family stuff: camping, getting the kids ready for school, job hunting... blah blah blah.

QUOTE (Xiaan @ Aug 10 2008, 03:33 PM) *
there's another long lived establishment there in wichita called Prairie Dog Comics. The staffs been damn helpful to me since I started gaming and collecting comics about 15 years ago. Agents has all ways been geared more toward the gaming industry, focusing on miniatures, but Prairie Dog gets it's fare share of gamers as well.
i know it was located at ridge road and tyler but moved about year or so ago to west street i believe. i could be wrong about it's current location (been thrown to the four winds by the military so i hacen't been around lately...). anyways I still a few good ol' chummers of mine that pick up books there... I guess it couldn't hurt to check it out and ask around.

Thanks, Xiaan! I will give PrarieDog a search out, maybe this weekend.

It's not a gaming store persay but Hobbytown located at Rock & Kellog (yes right in the middle of the clusterfucked construction) has a number of gaming books. Actually has a selection better than Agents or Preaire Dog when it comes to some lines. Only place I've seen multiple copies of the BBB here in town.
Yes this topic is over 3 years old - but did you ever find a group to play with? We are looking for one more in our group.
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