Apr 30 2008, 04:42 PM
So I was rereading the Talent series by Anne McCaffrey, mainly because its one of my favorite scifi series' ever. But a thought occured to me, mainly 'How awesome would this be in an RPG?'
That's the question. Has anyone run a game set in Talents Universe? Or if you're familiar with the series, could you suggest some systems to look into?
Apr 30 2008, 05:43 PM
I have no idea about the game one iota but there is always the standbys of GURPs or the Hero System to run it in.
Apr 30 2008, 07:26 PM
Its not a game, its a series of books I wanna set a game up around. I mean, they already have levels of psionic powers, T-1, T-2, etc, which 1 being the strongest. I've heard GURPS is really number crunching, though, and I don't know anything about the Hero System.
Apr 30 2008, 08:07 PM
HERO is ultra-number-crunchy. Its the number-crunchiest system to ever crunch numbers.
I can't recommend GURPS for anything involving magic or psionics (hate those systems), though it does well enough with Super Powers. (Not great, but okay.)
I'm partial to Mutants and Masterminds. Its very flexible, but pretty rules lite. However, since it D20-derived, some folks may scream, froth at the mouth, and claim it gives you cancer. *shrug*
Also, the Talents series is pretty cool. I haven't read anything from it in years though. I may have to refresh myself on them this summer.
Apr 30 2008, 08:26 PM
I...dunno if the d20 magic system *shudder* or even worse, its psionics system is...suited to the Talents universe. Any other suggestions?
The Talents series is probably my favorite Sci-Fi series ever. Seriously.
Apr 30 2008, 08:26 PM
EDIT: Double post >.<
Apr 30 2008, 09:00 PM
Oh no! MnM doesn't use the D20 magic or (choke) psionics systems. Its a different critter entirely. The game is made for super heroic play, but its very flexible. Its all point build ()no random rolls). You buy levels (ranks) or powers, skills etc.
Something else you could try to find D20 Skills-N-Feats Psionics System by Ken Hood. I think that's what it's called. Like the name suggests, it uses a mix of skills and feats. Its not as open ended, but its pretty simple. Its much more closely tied to the D20 mechanics than MnM though.
Apr 30 2008, 09:07 PM
Hm...Might look into that. The Talents Universe, as far as I've seen, would be heavy on the superheroic play, but I have no idea how to balance Prime Talents (who can move whole space fleets with little effort) as opposed to T-13 (who can barely 'path.) I'll look into it, though.
Apr 30 2008, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (quentra @ Apr 30 2008, 12:42 PM)
So I was rereading the Talent series by Anne McCaffrey, mainly because its one of my favorite scifi series' ever. But a thought occured to me, mainly 'How awesome would this be in an RPG?'
Haven't read them in a long time but that would be a pretty decent setting for a RPG.
May 1 2008, 10:09 AM
Gurps is pretty easy on the number crunchy in my mind, but I have never found a system better than the Hero System to make superheros on. But as was said, Hero system is the number crunchiest system in existance. I literalry had it explained to me by a mathematician and I still only get about 70% of the rules now. The main book with practically no setting material (ie only rules for character creation or running the game) is the biggest Roleplaying book I have ever seen. Not sure if they made it past 5th edition, but that's the one I have and it is really a great 'universal' system and one I find extremely wellsuited to superhero games. If you and your group is not a big fan of number heavy systems, Mutants and Masterminds is great, and it's really nothing like any other D20 game out there. I have only played a pick up game, and my obvious bias towards the Hero system notwithstanding, it was a very quick, easy and intuitive game.
And game was intended to be setting...I don't know how I missed that in my reread of my post
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