Apr 30 2008, 06:23 PM
OK a couple of questions for those either planning to go to Gen Con UK or thinking about it as a possibility.
First up would you be interested in playing Shadowrun Missions at Gen Con UK.
Second up would you be willing to run some Shadowrun Missions at Gen Con UK.
If the answer to the first question would be yes please post in this thread (and please, if there is no chance you'd be able to make it because you are on another continent, getting married that weekend etc don't respond - I'm trying to get some sort of realistic idea).
If the answer to the second question would be yes please send me an email to rpga <at> genconuk <dot> com.
In case people are wondering I am the senior GM for Gen Con UK and am responsible for organising all the assorted living games running at Gen Con UK (both RPGA such as Living Forgotten Realms and non-RPGA such as Living Arcanis).
I'd also like to ask if it would be possible to be offering some of the new NYC based missions assuming there is enough interest and gm's or is less than two weeks after Gen Con Indy too soon?
Apr 30 2008, 11:26 PM
When and where is Gen-con UK?
Because if the timing works I could say yes to everything.
May 1 2008, 02:38 AM
According to google, it's
GenCon UK - August 28th-31st 2008, at the University of Reading.
Assuming I'm finding the correct site, I can make sure that the convention has access to the same 6 early release SRM scenarios that GenCon Indy will have.
May 1 2008, 10:33 AM
I am most likely going to be down there.
May 1 2008, 10:49 AM
Yup the link the_dunner found is indeed the correct one.
May 1 2008, 01:31 PM
Well, I will be at GenCon Indy and then will also be going to GenCon UK.
At Indy I plan on playing in most (and hopefully all, if I can crash a couple of games) of the Missions events.
So as near as I can tell from the Missions site, I don't have to go through all the rigamarole of becoming a Commando to GM a Missions game...
If that is correct, and if there is no problem with playing in Missions at one event and then subsequently GMing the same ones at another event....
If I can get some confirmation on those two points, Kithran, I will e-mail you with details on my availability.
May 1 2008, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ May 1 2008, 08:31 AM)
So as near as I can tell from the Missions site, I don't have to go through all the rigamarole of becoming a Commando to GM a Missions game...
The only reason to become a member of the Catalyst Demo Team is if you want to receive rewards for running public games of Shadowrun. There is no GM certification process or requirement for Shadowrun Missions GMs.
Anyone who has already played through a Mission is ABSOLUTELY encouraged to GM it at every possible opportunity.
May 1 2008, 02:07 PM
Great - so I will be e-mailing you, Kithran, within the next 24.
May 2 2008, 12:18 PM
I've just confirmed that I've booked the holidays from work for the full time so will pop an email to you Kithran about running some missions. But as I said I would also be wanting to play in some missions if possible.
May 9 2008, 12:09 PM
I'm in Reading, so this is convenient for me.
I'll check my schedule to see if I'm free.
May 22 2008, 03:16 PM
QUOTE (adamu @ May 1 2008, 08:31 AM)
Well, I will be at GenCon Indy and then will also be going to GenCon UK.
That is totally mental. What a waste of time and energy, not to mention money. It's ... it's ...
... I wish I could do that ...
May 22 2008, 04:29 PM
Indy will be the product of over a year's planning (after about thirty of dreaming).
London will just be a lucky coincidence, sort of.
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