- Moved the Sourcebook threads into Shadowrun.
- Moved the sub-forums from the Sourcebooks forum under Shadowrun.
- Moved GM/Player Registry and Convention Information under General Gaming.
The Sourcebook forum didn't see much traffic, and what it did see was suitable for inclusion into the main Shadowrun forum, so we decided to consolidate it. It was natural to move the individual sourcebook forums to sub-forums under the Shadowrun forum at that point, so that's the reasoning behind the first two changes.
The last change was just to get rid of the placeholder "Lounge" forum and to relocate it's sub-forums to somewhere else. Happily, the General Gaming forum made perfect sense as the new top-level forum for these two.
That's it, nothing really major, we just thought we'd let everyone know what's going on. Move along, there's nothing to see here.