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Has anybody seen this yet? It's a Web-based game involving time travel.
QUOTE (Aaron @ May 8 2008, 04:41 PM) *
Has anybody seen this yet? It's a Web-based game involving time travel.

I can't believe I just spent the last two hours playing that game. biggrin.gif
I can.

There's an older game that's similar, but this one has a lot more production value and better levels.
Hmm, it is very buggy. It kept happening that I would jump on top of the button, then go back to my pod. Then I would get my "present" to go where I expect the change to happen, but the "past" self would jump NEXT to the button and nothing happened. It was very WTF FTL.
That's weird. I've never had a problem with it. What are you running?
I was at work with my Laptop running XP, and I used Firefox. I don't have any whacky settings.
Weird. Have you tried to reproduce the glitch at all?
Not really. I played a bit on my home computer and it was fine. Meh.
Its a flash game so system configuration wouldn't have anything to do with it. It apparently replays moves by simply recording your keystrokes and repeating them to the time-duplicates. The timing, however, isn't perfect. I;m sure that any slowdown would throw off time timing. Other things might, as well.
What he said, except that some platforms handle flash better than others.
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