Tycho litte rulequestion: Is it right, that I get a Damage Resistence Test (without Armor), if I get hit by a direct combat spell and fail the Spell
Resistence Test?
Bobby Derie Yes, that is correct.
UH< what? When SR4 first launched, I questioned damage resisting spells.
this thread:
I got a lot of stuff wrong, and this forum helped me greatly in understanding the SR4 system.
Glyph told me:
But the target only gets that one resistance roll - he doesn't roll to resist, then get another roll to soak. The target still only gets one roll!
This contradicts this totally! Did I miss something? Do you now get to roll to resist, then roll to soak? Where is this errata at? What page in what book was this changed? Of course I am only talking about direct spells, as indirect spells, you always got a dodge, then a soak, direct spells, you got a resist, then you got dead.