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Full Version: Fiction sub-forum?
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Would it be possible to have a sub-forum dedicated to fiction and short stories? Technically, the Welcome to the Shadows sub-forums is for this, but that place is pretty much 100% dedicated to PbP threads. Just seems to me like DSF ought to have a fiction sub-forum, to post stories and discuss the craft. It would also make it much, much easier for people to find and read stories already written... Whaddaya think?
Sounds like a good idea to me. Of course, my opinion doesn't really matter.
This hasn't come up among the mods, but my personal opinion? No. Not right now.

There's not really all that much fiction being posted, and thus it doesn't warrant its own section. And for those that are posting fiction, it would only hurt them, as the more you seperate and factionalize the boards, the fewer folks you have reading each board.

If we split off fiction to a seperate section, I can almost guarantee that besides only getting at best a couple posts per day on average (And probably only new stories getting posted every week or two), you'd also have far, far fedwer post views, becauswe there's a lot of folks who wouldn't even visit that section, but might take a few minutes to peruse some fiction posted in the main SR section.

So I don't see this happening, unless Fiction posting and discussion became so frequent that it was crowding the main SR postings.

Hmm, I sort of saw the opposite happening, with a dedicated space, it would encourage more people to write stuff, but that may be wishful thinking. Though you are arguably right about a decrease in readers.

Could we have a sticky thread on the SR forum for a raw listing of existing stories then?
QUOTE (Backgammon @ May 28 2008, 02:33 PM) *
Hmm, I sort of saw the opposite happening, with a dedicated space, it would encourage more people to write stuff, but that may be wishful thinking.

Hell, the only reason I'm not pouring out fiction by the boatload is that I wasn't sure how well 3rd edition POV (and prior, I have a fair amount of stuff in mind for back in 48-early 50) and more so, because there didn't seem to be anywhere appropriate to put it.

QUOTE (Cantankerous @ Oct 10 2008, 09:58 AM) *
Hell, the only reason I'm not pouring out fiction by the boatload is that I wasn't sure how well 3rd edition POV (and prior, I have a fair amount of stuff in mind for back in 48-early 50) and more so, because there didn't seem to be anywhere appropriate to put it.


Put it wherever you like. I would like reading it. I have an idea or two for stories set in the SR background. It makes it harder to write because you need to make it sound like a rumor or urban legend because it may or may not conflict with canon. (If these parts of history have even been considered for canon explanations.)

If it were my story, I would state prior to the story, or soon into the story, the time setting.
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