Jun 1 2008, 04:13 PM
There've been quite a few requests for this, and it's now available. The front page at has the blog entry for the file, but
here's the direct link.If you've got questions on how it works, this thread is the place to ask.
Jun 1 2008, 05:17 PM
What about gear and nuyen? Can these be transferred whole cloth? The .pdf does not reference this.
Jun 1 2008, 05:51 PM
Would that be implicit in the bit that talks about continuing your character?
Jun 1 2008, 07:21 PM
It only references Karma in that part. The only things listed as being lost are faction and contacts. If gear is not allowed to carry over, how will this affect purchased and implanted cyber/bio ware? Will we be forced to "reset" our chars?
Jun 1 2008, 07:23 PM
my gaming group is harassing me about this question to see what the answer is... ie.. I have player agro at the moment.
They are looking at their SRM characters instead of playing in the weekly game.
The gear/money carry over is an important deciding factor if they roll new ones or keep the same ones...
Jun 1 2008, 08:05 PM
QUOTE (SwampGator @ Jun 1 2008, 01:21 PM)
It only references Karma in that part. The only things listed as being lost are faction and contacts. If gear is not allowed to carry over, how will this affect purchased and implanted cyber/bio ware? Will we be forced to "reset" our chars?
My reading of it is that since it doesn't mention them, there's no change to them. I mean, it also doesn't mention reputation ratings, skills, attributes, etc. Also, the very first sentence says "Players who wish to keep using their characters from the SRM02 (Denver) campaign are allowed to do so." That's enough to satisfy me.
I could be wrong, and I'd wait for word from the_dunner if you need to be 100% certain, but I'm telling my players that they keep their gear and nuyen.
Jun 1 2008, 08:58 PM
I'm hoping that we can, but as you say, I'm awaiting the Dunner's input.
Jun 1 2008, 09:03 PM
Sorry, I thought that was pretty clear. If you stick with your character, that character loses their faction ratings (since they're changing) and they're Denver gained contacts. Nothing else about them changes. Their accrued karma, nuyen, gear, and everything else about them stays with them.
Basically, our philosophy was -- if you want to stick with the same character, then you can.
If you want to take advantage of the new toys (Arsenal, et al), then you don't get to keep your old toys (gear and nuyen gained in Denver).
Jun 1 2008, 09:25 PM
Thanks for the clarification.
Jun 2 2008, 02:35 PM
Any suggestions on how to deal with Fake SINs and such in New York? I recall from some older source books that having solid IDs and such was a really big deal. Is that still the case or has the climate changed somewhat post-Crash 2.0?
Jun 2 2008, 03:40 PM
QUOTE (paws2sky @ Jun 2 2008, 10:35 AM)
Any suggestions on how to deal with Fake SINs and such in New York? I recall from some older source books that having solid IDs and such was a really big deal.
If I say, "It's no bigger of a deal than it was in Denver," is that vague and foreboding enough?
Jun 2 2008, 03:56 PM
Vague? Check.
Foreboding? Check.
Right, so 2-3 BP dedicated to Fake SINs, got it.
Jun 2 2008, 04:56 PM
If I take a character made in SRM02... play them in SRM03... can I go back and finish SRM02 afterwards?
Jun 2 2008, 04:57 PM
QUOTE (the_dunner @ Jun 1 2008, 03:03 PM)
If you want to take advantage of the new toys (Arsenal, et al), then you don't get to keep your old toys (gear and nuyen gained in Denver).
What about characters made for missions after arsenal came out? I have a group of players that want to do Denver missions starting in July... and might want to go to Gen con to play a few missions and still complete the Denver missions later with the same characters.
Jun 2 2008, 04:59 PM
No. When you play in SRM03, there is a karma tracking log that shows all the karma you are bringing forward from SRM 02 and SRM 01, there is no double dipping back and forth.
Edit: There are a lot of story reasons as to why runners that finish in Denver probably don't want to go back. Ever...
Jun 2 2008, 05:39 PM
QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Jun 2 2008, 12:57 PM)
What about characters made for missions after arsenal came out? I have a group of players that want to do Denver missions starting in July... and might want to go to Gen con to play a few missions and still complete the Denver missions later with the same characters.
In that case they'd be better off just creating two sets of characters, one for Denver and one for NYC. Characters who are in NYC won't be going back to Denver.
luke s
Jun 14 2008, 02:23 AM
Just a few questions,
Do we roll up our starting nuyen at our first SR Missions session in NYC or is there some set default amount (like the average amount for the relevant dice roll)?
When selecting NYC Contacts, should there be a minimum Connection level assigned for the type of contact selected (e.g. it looks like a street level Fixer should be Connection 3 but in the SR4 rulebook, the pregenerated characters have Connection 2 Fixers)?
Is it okay for us to flesh out our NYC contacts or is it better to slot them in to fit contacts that may be located/obtained during a Mission?
Thanks to whoever can assist.
Jun 14 2008, 02:17 PM
QUOTE (luke s @ Jun 13 2008, 10:23 PM)
Do we roll up our starting nuyen at our first SR Missions session in NYC or is there some set default amount (like the average amount for the relevant dice roll)?
Roll it up when the GM can see it.
When selecting NYC Contacts, should there be a minimum Connection level assigned for the type of contact selected (e.g. it looks like a street level Fixer should be Connection 3 but in the SR4 rulebook, the pregenerated characters have Connection 2 Fixers)?
There's a pretty broad variety of levels of expertise. So, no, there aren't pre-set levels for each contact type.
Is it okay for us to flesh out our NYC contacts or is it better to slot them in to fit contacts that may be located/obtained during a Mission?
It's best t oflesh out your own contacts.
Jul 3 2008, 11:24 PM
I have two SRM characters that in Denver I alternate between (different missions, not doubling up or anything wonky).
I want to make a new character for NY. Is it allowed to combine the Karma from my two characters into one transfer?
Jul 3 2008, 11:58 PM
QUOTE (Wasabi @ Jul 3 2008, 07:24 PM)
I have two SRM characters that in Denver I alternate between (different missions, not doubling up or anything wonky).
I want to make a new character for NY. Is it allowed to combine the Karma from my two characters into one transfer?
As long as you show your GM the logs and they've all got your name as player on them, I don't see any reason to object to it. However, it's certainly not the intended way of playing.
User McUser
Aug 4 2008, 03:17 AM
QUOTE (the_dunner @ Jun 1 2008, 11:13 AM)
If you've got questions on how it works, this thread is the place to ask.
The Karma transfer sheet in the PDF doesn't have the SRM02 Scramble-2 mission on it ("Universal Health Care"). I assume that this is merely an oversight and that this karma can still be transfered, yes?
Also, I found an old SRM01-03 ("Harvest Time") debriefing sheet from GenCon 2005. It looks like I can transfer the Good Karma from that sheet to my SRM03 character, yes?
Aug 4 2008, 09:25 AM
QUOTE (User McUser @ Aug 3 2008, 11:17 PM)
The Karma transfer sheet in the PDF doesn't have the SRM02 Scramble-2 mission on it ("Universal Health Care"). I assume that this is merely an oversight and that this karma can still be transfered, yes?
Also, I found an old SRM01-03 ("Harvest Time") debriefing sheet from GenCon 2005. It looks like I can transfer the Good Karma from that sheet to my SRM03 character, yes?
Correct on both counts.
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