I haven't run it yet.
Still reading and within the first few pages this caught my attention:
Paraphrased, "Kara plants the obsidian knife to cover up her calling card."
Now I get honor counting, at least I think so. But, if you feel that it is so telltale that you must also then plant evidence to make someone not "look under the damned pillow" to find the real evidence.
Then you really have a problem. I mean real mental problems, call it a Compulsive disorder and her teammate should get her treatment or beat sense into her as that will get them all killed.
If I was in a team that one of the guys continually planted evidence that pointed at us as the team there would be serious issues. That is likely true in RL as well. Unless you are doing it for that reason.
ie: The Joker, who plants his Joker card to let everyone know he was there, cause fear and screw with the Batman. Now if for some reason The Joker wanted to do a 'silent' job but felt the need to drop his card, that can hardly be seen as silent can it.
Beyond a clue to get the PCs on the right track I just can not get it.
Side note:
Any pointers about this run? or things that I need to be aware of when I run it?