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Full Version: Terms & Guidelines Links Gone
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion
Kanada Ten
You might laugh, but the Terms and Guidelines buttons are gone now, so the stickys need rewording.


I think I named the other thread aptly, but I failed in following ToS frown.gif

Edit: This post was split from the B!tch & Complain thread. I think you meant for it to be it's own post anyway. Paolo, will probably fix it when he sees this thread. smile.gif - Neuron Basher

Edit: I can edit the edits! MuHa Ha Ha Ha... devil.gif
fix0red. Not my fault, tho...
Kanada Ten
QUOTE (ThatPaolo)
fix0red. Not my fault, tho...

Yeah! Just blame it on that Dumpshock Administration AI!


I really do think my ideas are far more fascinating than they really are...
Kanada Ten
No! No! Get rid of them!

Just erase the tag lines in the sticky's! Ahhhhhh....

[edit] And if you decide to keep them you should fix their layout.

In Netscape 7.1 it scrunches and adds a line.
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