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Full Version: Raleigh NC 4e Game?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hello, I just picked up Shadowrun 4e and I was wondering if there are any GMs that are looking to start a game on Mondays. I have two other players that have shown interest, but none of us are versed enough in the rules to GM. So, finding this forum I thought I'd cast out a net and see what I could catch.
If you're in North Raliegh area, head to Lost Goblin Games (if it's still there). There used to be a group of 'Runners that hung out there regularly. All of them long time players and last I heard they were into 4th edition.
Yep, on their mailing list. Found two other players, but still no GM. So we're hoping smile.gif
Hey Cyntax, So I just recently got back into shadowrun myself. I have been running and GMing since 2nd edition and I was planning on starting a game. My only problem is finding players. I'm still new to 4th edition but overall I like quite a bit of what has changed since 3rd. So my biggest problem is the distance between where i live and Raleigh. Now I wouldn't mind GMing but Its probably going to be bi weekly instead of weekly. I live in VA. on the border of NC, so it takes 1hr35min for me to make it down. Not to mention the price of gas is insane. so trying to run a game weekly in Raleigh would put me in the poor house in fuel costs. Maybe we can work something out, not sure. send me a line and tell me what you think.

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