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Full Version: e-Shadowrun 4 Character Manager beta - 2
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E in MD
Greetings all, as noted here in this post I am working on a character manager for Shadowrun 4.

Based on your feedback I have fixed a few more bugs and I am re-releasing. However, the new version will not be hosted by source forge any longer. Because of the refined interface, the ability to restrict permissions, a much streamlined wiki and ease of administration the project will be moving to

The beta 2 version and updated datastore can be downloaded : here

the dotnet framwork 3.0 can be downloaded: here

The wiki can be accessed: here

and feature requests can be made: here
I love it, it rocks!

But it needs two things to be perfect in my mind:

1. The ability to calculate in things like cybersuites and biocompatibility

2. the ability to print it off

Otherwise, its awesome smile.gif
I really, really like this Generator.

I have one big problem though.. when I look at the essence cost of the cyber- and bioware, it´s multiplied tenfold, when I select a certain piece of cyberware and "build it into" a character, the cost is multiplied by 100... how may I fix that?

Thanks in advance!
probably something to do with the character used for 1000 step division . . in germany for example, it would be 100.000,10,- while it is 100,000.10,- as far as i understood that . .
Nice, but...

You need to be able to select the Magic/Technomancer Positive Qualities before you set Attributes, otherwise you'll be setting the attributes, going to the next tab and setting skills, then going to the next tab and setting qualities, and then going back two tabs to set the magic/resonance attribute.

Also, if you save a character and reload it, it's not restoring the Magic attribute and it's set to 1.

Other than that it looks good.

This is sweet.

I have't tooled around with it too much, yet, but a couple questions, many of which I may answer myself as I get more familiar with it.
1. What are the display options for the output? Since the character is saved in .xml, will there be a way to populate various kinds of character sheet?
2. Do you intend to put in some sort of character updating tracker - some way to track karma gains/expenditures/etc.? New gear? Contacts gained during play? Modifications to equipment?
3. I noticed that the 'influence' skill group on the option lists 5 skills under the skill group.
4. Is there any kind of help you need regarding the bulk writing of the datastore files (e.g., all the gear from arsenal)?
5. Do you intend to incorporate some kind of freetext method to add stuff to skills (e.g., house ruled specializations, like Clubs (sledgehammers))?

I look forward to it. With a bit of completion and (personal priority) the incorporation of some good way to add and formally keep track of character improvement, I think it will be sweet.

- rob
You ought to add the ability to set how many BP you can use.
Downloaded and played about a bit with this. Great job. Keep up the good work.

I like the ability to add items.

One item I noticed. When `clearing` items that have been purchased in the tabs such as Skills, Qualities, etc. The confirmation message is the same as the `delete` item button. There is no warning that all items will be removed to ensure the user didn't press the wrong button. The warning message should be different for each of the actions.

All in all, impressive.
I thought the original beta looked promising, but I have yet to be able to get a complete download of this one from Assembla (it always kills the connection around 14-15%). Any chance of mirroring the releases at the original site at Sourceforge, even though it's no longer the primary distro site?
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