- You choose the level of training that the group has from the list: average, semi-trained, trained, professional, elite. This represents what equipment the group has access to. The higher the level of training, the more options for weapons, armor, spells, and cyberware the group has.
- You enter the level of quality the group is compared to the shadowrunning team from the list: fresh-meat, inferior, equal, superior, superhuman. This helps to add a modifier to the statistics for the group so that you get people wil stats that "match" the quality of the group.
- Enter the number of metahumans of each race that are in the group and the program automatically adds the necessary racial modifications to the statistics of the group member.
- Done entering the group information? Click the generate button and a well-formatted HTML page is created by the program. Open it in a browser and print it for your own record sheet.
- Or, for those who GM via laptop, there is a condition monitor created in flash that automatically loads on the HTML page allowing you to keep track of the damage to your group online. There is also a handy combat pool field so you can keep track of how many pool dice your opposition is using.
All of the code is included in the zip file download, so if your good with Visual C++ and know a little about the MFC, then go ahead and see if you have any alterations to make!
Anyway, if you've read down this far, you must be interested. So click here to download the Group Maker. Installation for the software is hell because I don't know how to make an auto-installer. But, there is a README file within the zip archive that should help you out.
Post what you think -- your feedback will help the program grow!!
-- Dash --