OK as some people may have already noticed there is now a lot more of a schedule up on the Gen Con UK site (http://www.consupport.com), almost all of the Living Schedule is there (still awaiting details from the Queen & Country crew but they are planning on running at Gen Con UK) and a number of non Living games are also there with more coming up as details come through. At the moment there is the following to choose amongst:
Living Forgotten Realms (8 modules, one a two round one) - the new Living Campaign from Wotc using D&D 4E
In Fear No More - the three part D&D Championship form Gen Con Indy being run as 3 classic style adventures (ie no competition, no need to sign up as a team)
Return to the Moathouse - a stand alonse D&D 4E classic style adventure with pre-gen characters or create your own.
The Betrayal of Darth Revan - a Star Wars Saga Edition classic style adventure
Pathfinder Society (4 modules) - the new Living Campaign from Paizo using D&D 3.5
Living Arcanis (3 modules & Marketplace) - the three most recent hard point adventures from Paradigm Concepts Living Campaign using D&D 3.5
Shadowrun Missions (4 modules) - four modules from the new New York story arc from Cataylst Games Lab Living Campaign using Shadowrun 4
Dragonmouth - a new module for the UK based Living Campaign that uses Iron Heroes and launched at Gen Con UK 2007, and they have some exciting news to come
In addition to that lot there is also the following
Ars Magica, Call of Cthullu, CJ Carella's Witchcraf, Earthdawn, Icar, Kult, Shadowrun 3rd Edition, The Dying Earth, Unknown Armies and of course Flammable Penguins bring some South African scenarios.
Of course we could always do with more scenarios and volunteers to GM these scenarios, so feel free to volunteer as well as sign up to play.
Gen Con UK Senior GM