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Full Version: Shadowrun + Traveller in RL Seattle
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hi all,

I'm posting this message to find people interested in playing
Shadowrun 4th edition in RL Seattle.

I'm looking at 3-4 hours in the evening every other Monday. The
location is Madison Valley, which is near Capitol Hill and the
Central District. We would ideally start some time in August.

The starting setting is going to be Seattle in the basic book, but
my plan is to move it into space rather quickly. My inspirations
for the space setting is the Traveller RPG and the Firefly TV
series. Interested players will receive more detail.

My game style:
I like a combination of role playing and roll playing. Some good
storytelling and some good gaming is something I try to provide in
every game session.

If you're interested, please contact me offlist. Also, if you know
of a better way of finding players, please also drop me a line.

Oh, yeah, I should add. I already have 3 (probable) players, so could use up to 3 more, at most.
Wes Magyar
i might be able to bring 2 players. is there parking available? my friend is an old school traveler player and i am rather new to shadowrun but love what i have played so far. I like playing Riggers my friend is a total noob at shadowrun however.
also what time would the meetup be at?

you can contact me at
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